Juan José Gutiérrez

Juan José Gutiérrez

Juan José Gutiérrez was born in Guatemala in 1958. He is a member of the board of Corporación Multi Inversiones (CMI), a large agro-industrial conglomerate which, according to an article in El Diario de Hoy, one of the largest circulating newspapers in El Salvador, is one of the most powerful corporations in Central America. Founded in 1920, CMI now has more than 30,000 employees, operating in 14 countries within six divisions: poultry and pork; Pollo Campero fast food restaurants; flour mills, pasta and cookie production; construction; power generation and financial services.

Mr. Gutiérrez is the President of Pollo Campero, which was founded in 1971 by Mr. Gutierrezs father and is one of the largest Guatemalan fast food chains. While the business now comprises over 190 restaurants in ten countries, it still manages to focus its attention on social initiatives such as supporting education. In January 2007, a survey by the Asociación de Gerentes de Guatemala revealed that, if given the choice, most Guatemalans would choose to work at Pollo Campero. According to Small Business Opportunities Magazine, Pollo Campero, which serves over 75 million customers per year with over 7,000 employees, opened its first U.S. franchised restaurant in Los Angeles, California, in April 2002, and now has over 30 franchised restaurants in California, New York, Texas and other states. According to an article in Hispanic Business Magazine, the Los Angeles restaurant broke industry records, serving over 30,000 guests in its opening week, even though the location only has 90 seats and no drive-thru window or delivery service. Most recently, according to EKA, La Revista Empresarial, a monthly business magazine from Costa Rica, Pollo Campero has opened its first restaurant in Madrid, Spain, and is expanding to Asia, having already opened its first restaurant in Jakarta, Indonesia. Under Mr. Gutiérrezs leadership, Pollo Campero was declared one of the top ten companies to work for in a survey conducted by the business publication, Estrategia y Negocios.

Mr. Gutiérrez has been on the cover of Newsweek as a Super CEO and was named one of their Ten Big Thinkers for Big Business. He is listed as a past president of the Committee of Agriculture, Commerce, Industry and Finance Association (CACIF) on the CACIF website, and is also listed as a past president of the Industry Chamber (Cámara de Industria de Guatemala) on the Industry Chambers website. Mr. Gutiérrez is a member of the Board of Directors of the Juan Bautista Gutierrez Foundation (Fundación Juan Bautista Gutierrez), which supports community development projects and education. Mr. Gutiérrez supports humanitarian causes such asTeletónandHelp Me To Live” (Ayudame A Vivir), which helps low income child cancer patients.

External links

English Links
* [http://corporacionmultiinversiones.com/ Corporación Multi Inversiones website]
* [http://www.pollocampero.com/menu.php Pollo Campero website]
* [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8186306/site/newsweek/ Newsweek Magazine article discussing Juan José Gutiérrez as one of the Ten Big Thinkers of Big Business]
* [http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1604946,00.html Time Magazine article regarding Pollo Campero's entry into the U.S.]
* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/03/20/AR2007032002150.html Washington Post article regarding Pollo Campero's entry into Washington D.C.]
* [http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/bus/stories/DN-fogo_31bus.ART.State.Edition1.3792d82.html Dallas News article regarding Pollo Campero's entry into Texas]
* [http://www.hispanicbusiness.com/news/newsbyid.asp?id=65285 Hispanic Business article regarding Pollo Campero's expansion into the U.S.]
* [http://www.sbomag.com/articals/SBO/2006/may/moneymenu2.html Small Business Opportunities Magazine article regarding Pollo Campero's expansion into foreign markets]

Spanish Links
* [http://www.elsalvador.com/noticias/2005/09/29/negocios/neg8.asp El Diario de Hoy article discussing CMI's size and its involvement with the construction of the Mall Pradera Concepción]
* [http://www.elsalvador.com/ El Diario de Hoy website]
* [http://www.prensalibre.com/pl/2005/enero/13/105383.html Prensa Libre article regarding CMI's expansion into Costa Rica through its purchase of Propokodusa]
* [http://sigloxxi.com/ Siglo XXI website]
* [http://deguate.com/gestion/article_6578.shtml deGuate.com article regarding Pollo Campero's celebration of the opening of its 100th restaurant in Guatemala by donating desks to 4 public schools]
* [http://www.prensalibre.com.gt/pl/2007/enero/22/161406.html Prensa Libre article regarding Guatemalan survey of favorite companies to work for]
* [http://www.ekaenlinea.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1464&Itemid=55 EKA, La Revista Empresarial Magazine article regarding Pollo Campero's expansion into foreign markets]
* [http://www.cacif.org.gt/ Committee of Agriculture, Commerce, Industry and Finance Association website]
* [http://www.industriaguate.com/ Cámara de Industria de Guatemala website]
* [http://www.sigloxxi.com/index.php?link=noticias&noticiaid=6250 Siglo XXI article regarding Fundación Juan Bautista Gutierrez]
* [http://www.ayuvi.org.gt Ayudame A Vivir website]

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