- Lucius Caecilius Iucundus
Lucius Caecilius Iucundus was a banker who lived in the Roman town of
Pompeii in the first century. His house still stands and can be seen in the ruins of Pompeii. It was partially destroyed by the eruption ofVesuvius in79 . This house is known for its beauty, along with some material found about bank book-keeping and wax tablets, which were receipts.Life
The Pompeian banker Iucundus was born around the end of Augustus’s reign (c.
14 ) to afreedman named Felix, who was also a banker. [Alex Butterworth and Ray Laurence, "Pompeii: The Living City" (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2005), 75.] By58 , he was in his mid-fifties and was probably well-established as a successful banker who dealt with a wide variety of Pompeians. [Butterworth and Laurence, "Pompeii: The Living City", 75.]Freedmen and slaves performed many small business tasks for Iucundus, such as signing receipts as witnesses and collecting payments from clients. Many names of elite Pompeian citizens occur frequently in his transaction records, suggesting that Iucundus also had dealings with the upper class of his town. In fact, he even traveled to nearby
Nuceria to help the wealthyPraetorian Guard senior centurion Publius Alfenus Varus resell some slaves that he had purchased in an auction. [Butterworth and Laurence, "Pompeii: The Living City", 77.] .He had two sons,
Sextus Caecilius Iucundus Metellus (after his wife) and Quintus Caecilius Iucundus. These names suggest he had four previous sons (in Latin, "quinque" refers to five and "sex" refers to six.) Iucundus departed from the traditional naming system, giving each of his sons a name that implied a relationship with the illustrious family of theCaecilii Metelli .August Mau, " [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=10436623# Pompeii: Its Life and Art] ", trans. Francis W. Kelsey (New York: The Macmillan Company, 2nd ed. 1902), p.507.]The tablets that Iucundus left behind suggest that he died in the earthquake on
5 February 62 , since his records stop a few days before that date. [Butterworth and Laurence, "Pompeii: The Living City", 159.]Banking in Pompeii
Iucundus was a type of banker called an "
argentarius ", which meant that he acted as a middleman in auctions. The Pompeian "argentarius" would pay the vendor for the purchased item and then grant the buyer a time frame in which to repay him. According to the records of Iucundus, mostly dating from the50s , the buyers had between a few months and a year to repay the loan to the "argentarius". ["The Cambridge Ancient History", 2nd ed. (London: Cambridge University Press, 1970), 772.]The "argentarius" would receive interest on the loan, as well as a commission known as a "merces". ["The Cambridge Ancient History", 773.] Some "argentarii", called "coactores argentarii", collected debt money in addition to making arrangements in the auctions, while other "argentarii" were assisted by "coactores" who collected the debts for them. It is uncertain whether Iucundus was a "coactor argentarius" or simply an "argentarius".
Wax tablets
Iucundus kept many private records of his business transactions on wax tablets, many of which were found in his house in
1875 . [Jean Andreau, "Banking and Business in the Roman World", trans. Janet Lloyd (Cambridge University Press, 1999), 71.] Of the 153 tablets discovered, 16 document contracts between Iucundus and the city of Pompeii; the remaining 137 are receipts from auctions on behalf of third parties. ["The Cambridge Ancient History", 884.] 17 of these tablets record loans that he advanced to buyers of auction items. [Andreau, "Banking and Business in the Roman World", 44.]In addition to the transaction information, Iucundus’s tablets record the names of vendors and witnesses to the arrangements. The lists of witnesses also give some insight into the social structure of Pompeii, since Iucundus had his witnesses sign in order of social status. ["The Cambridge Ancient History", 885.]
The tablets themselves are triptychs, which means that they have three wooden leaves tied together to make six pages. [Mau, " [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=10436623# Pompeii: Its Life and Art] ", p.499.] Wax was put on the inner four pages, and the receipt was written on these surfaces. The tablet was then closed and wrapped with a string, over which the witnesses placed their wax seals. This prevented the document itself from being altered, and there was a brief description of the receipt written on the outside for identification purposes. [Mau, " [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=10436623# Pompeii: Its Life and Art] ", p.500. To read about the tablets in greater detail and to view pictures of reconstructed tablets, see pp. 499-501. On-line version only has text, not images.]
Inscription from a tablet
The following is the translation of an
56 receipt for the proceeds of an auction sale."Umbricia Januaria declared that she had received from L. Caecilius Iucundus 11,039 sesterces, which sum came into the hands of L. Caecilius Iucundus by agreement as the proceeds of an auction sale for Umbricia Januaria, the commission due him having been deducted.
Done at Pompeii on the twelfth day of December, in the consulship of Lucius Duvius and Publius Clodius.
Seal of Quintus Appuleius Severus, Marcus Lucretius Lerus, Tiberius Julius Abascantius, M. Julius Crescens, M. Terentius Primus, M. Epidius Hymenaeus, Q. Granius Lesbus, Titus Vesonius Le…., D. Volcius Thallus." [To view the original Latin inscription and English translation together, see Mau, " [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=10436623# Pompeii: Its Life and Art] ", pp. 502-3.]
In this inscription, Iucundus was very exact in the details. He included the date and the list of witnesses, which were listed in descending order of social status. So by examining several of his tablets, it is possible to determine the relative social standings of clients with whom Iucundus arranged numerous transactions.
Part of Iucundus’s house still stands on Stabiae Street in Pompeii today, [Mau, " [http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=10436623# Pompeii: Its Life and Art] ", p.352.] and it provides many interesting pieces of information both about Iucundus and Pompeii. Archaeologists discovered the wax tablets there, and the "
lararium ", or shrine, in his house features a relief depicting theTemple of Jupiter during the62 earthquake. [Paul Zanker, "Pompeii: Public and Private Life", trans. Deborah Lucas Schneider (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998), 106.] The atrium was once decorated with paintings. The floor is decorated with a black and white mosaic and at the entrance a reclining dog is depicted.Several graffiti messages have been found on the walls of the house, including one that reads “May those who love prosper; let them perish who cannot love; let them perish twice over who veto love.” [Butterworth and Laurence, "Pompeii: The Living City", 134.] The "
tablinum ", or study, in Iucundus’s house contains some beautiful wall paintings, and an amphora given from one of his sons to the other was found in the house as well.Fictional
Book One of the
Cambridge Latin Course is a fictional account based on the life of Iucundus, who is referred to as Caecilius in the series. In the book he has a wife, Metella, whose name means "little basket of stones", and a son, Quintus, about whom the other books in the series are based. In the book, Caecilius dies in the79 eruption ofVesuvius . However, as stated earlier, it is now believed that he actually perished in the62 earthquake that preceded the eruption, since the records of his negotiated contracts cease shortly before the earthquake.A 2008 episode of "
Doctor Who ", entitled "The Fires of Pompeii " , featuresPeter Capaldi as Caecilius (a marble merchant in this iteration of events).Tracey Childs plays his wife Metella, Francois Pandolfo plays his son Quintus, andFrancesca Fowler plays Evelina, his prophet daughter (a character created for the episode). In this version, he and his family survive thanks to the Doctor and Donna Noble transporting them to safety in the TARDIS, and start a new life in Rome [ [http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/news/cult/news/drwho/2007/09/25/49091.shtml Overseas filming for ambitious episode] , BBC,25 September 2007 .]References
External links
* Some pictures: [http://www.vroma.org/images/mcmanus_images/paula_chabot/clc/pcclc.13.jpgHouse] and [http://www.vroma.org/images/mcmanus_images/paula_chabot/clc/pcclc.14.jpgwall painting]
* [http://www.novaroma.org/aquila/april05/08.htm Caecilius at Nova Romama]
* [http://flavias.blogspot.com/2005/06/trick-to-pompeii.html "The Trick to Pompeii"] — a report on a tour of Lucius Caecilius Iucundus' house
* [http://www.ancientworlds.net/aw/Families/Family/1023 The Roman Family Caecilius]
* [http://nisee.berkeley.edu/elibrary/getimg?id=KZ930 German woodcut depicting the bas-relief from the house of Lucius Caecilius Iucundus]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.