- Shamokin Area high school
Shamokin High School is a public
high school located inCoal Township, PA , USA. The Shamokin Area School District community consists of the city of Shamokin and the townships of Coal, East Cameron and Shamokin. It is located at the southern end of the anthracite coal region in Northumberland County in central Pennsylvania with a population of approximately 21,000.The Shamokin Area School District is composed of three buildings: the junior-senior high school, the elementary school, the elementary annex. The district also maintains an extensive outdoor athletic complex.
The middle/high school, housing grades 7 through 12, was constructed in 1973-1975. The multi-floor building houses a 1280 seat auditorium, a 3000 seat gymnasium, and a regulation pool with spectator seating. This building was renovated in 1995-1996 to provide additional classroom space to accommodate grades 7 and 8. The building's HVAC system was renovated in this project, and modifications were made to meet ADA regulations. The former middle school building was sold to a county agency at the conclusion of the renovation project in 1996. It is currently being used by the county as a career development and arts center.
The elementary school was constructed in 1980, and houses grades 1 through 6. It is also the home of several special needs classes administered by the local intermediate unit (IU16). The building's HVAC system was renovated in 1990. The elementary houses a large combination auditorium/gymnasium, a tiered-seating vocal music classroom, a band and orchestra suite, and a library.
The elementary annex building was constructed 1959 as a vocational education facility for the district. This building was recently renovated to meet ADA regulations and houses grades K4 (kindergarten for four-year-olds), K5 kindergarten, and first grade. The building also houses administrative offices and a large gymnasium to provide accommodations for additional athletic activities.
Kemp Memorial Stadium is a large football and track complex with a seating capacity of 6000, with artificial turf and lighting for night games. The outdoor athletic complex also features practice fields, a lighted soccer stadium, and a baseball field Dedicated to Douglas Dobson. The athletic facilities of the district are utilized heavily not only by the home teams, but also by various league organizations for hosting playoff games and events. A well-equipped weight room and athletic training facilities are located in the middle/high school.
Both the secondary and elementary schools have extensive libraries, and participate in the Access Pennsylvania system. A mini-library is available at the annex building with holdings from the elementary library that are age appropriate for students located in the building. Library automation and circulation software is used in both libraries, with networked computers and printers for use by students and faculty.
A large LAN on the main campus of the district serves the district administrative offices, the elementary school, and the middle/high school. A LAN is also present in the elementary annex building. A WAN/VPN connection links the remote elementary annex building to the main campus LAN to better utilize district resources and avoid duplication of services. The district aggressively pursues federal and state grant monies to fund its technology intiatives. A closed-circuit television distribution system is also provided for the elementary and secondary buildings, with access points in every classroom. All television programming originates from a sophisticated television studio in the middle/high school, and includes digital video production equipment.
External links
* [http://www.indians.k12.pa.us/ Shamokin High School Website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.