- Papyrus 2
New Testament manuscript infobox
caption=no image available
text=John 12:12-15
date=c. 550
now at=Museo Archeologico,Florence , Inv. Nr. 7134
cite=, 'Papiri evangelici',
"Rivista di Studi Religiosi" 6 (1902): 69-70.
cat = III
hand =
note =Papyrus 2 (P2) is an early copy of the New Testament in Greek. It is a
papyrus fragment of a copy of theGospel of John dating to the sixth century. It is currently housed at theEgyptian Museum, Florence . There is a portion of Luke 7:22-26,50 in Coptic on the reverse of the fragment.The fragment appears to be from a
lectionary . [Maldfeld (1949), p.361] The text type is eclectic. [Maldfeld (1949), p. 364]ee also
List of New Testament papyri
*New Testament papyrus
*Papyrus 1
*Papyrus 46
*Papyrus 52
*Papyrus 64
*Papyrus 66 Notes
*Aland, Kurt und Barbara Aland. "Der Text des Neuen Testaments". Stuttgart: , 1981.
*Comfort, Philip W and David P Barrett. "The Text of the Earliest New Testament Greek Manuscripts". Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers Incorporated, 2001.
*Maldfeld, Georg and Metzger, Bruce M. "Detailed List of the Greek Papyri of the New Testament," "Journal of Biblical Literature" Vol. 68, No. 4. (Dec., 1949) pp. 359-370.External links
*Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland. [http://books.google.com/books?id=2pYDsAhUOxAC&pg=PP1&ots=bd_BafKrCr&dq=The+Text+of+the+New+Testament&sig=siUbtmx1vx-3yjaz1bVPAfgmge8 "The text of the New Testament: an introduction to the critical editions and to the theory and practice of modern textual criticism".] Second edition. Translated by Erroll F Rhodes. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1989.
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