Hacıkışla, Hendek

Hacıkışla, Hendek

Hacıkışla is a village in Hendek district, Sakarya Provinceof Turkey,with a (2000) population of about 719 .


Most of the people in Hacıkışla are from the Black Sea coast of Turkey. A lot of hazelnut is grown here due to the Black Sea ancestry. There is a stadium and a soccer team. The team plays in the Turkish Amateur League and is called Hacıkışlaspor.


It is located at 0.8km to Soğuksu 2.3km to Aktefek 3.7km to Kurtköy 4.0km to Kocatöngel 5.0km to Mağara 6.2km to Paşaköy 5.4km to Rızabey 7.7km to Tuzak and 9.8km to Yeniköy.


* [http://nona.net/features/map/placedetail.942574/Hac%C4%B1k%C4%B1%C5%9Fla/ Online map]
* [http://www.hacikislakoyu.com/ Village website]

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