- Šarišan
Šarišan is Slovak folk music ensemble that was founded in 1967 in the town of
Veľky Šariš (Great Šariš) from which the group's name derives. The ensemble currently is run by thePark Kultúry a Oddychu inPrešov .
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Šarišan is Slovak folk music ensemble that was founded in 1967 in the town of
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Lúčina Slovak Folklore Ensemble — Lucina Slovak Folklore Ensemble is a volunteer group dedicated to preserving Slovak culture in the Greater Cleveland area of Ohio. HistoryThe Lúčina Slovak Folk Ensemble of Cleveland, Ohio was initiated in August of 1981. Lúčina has performed in… … Wikipedia
sarışmaq — bax sarmaşmaq 2 ci mənada. Görüşübən eyləmədik xoş səfa; Qucaqlaşıb sarışmadıq, ayrıldıq. M. P. V.. Gəlin, salamlayaq doğma baharı; Ana yurdumuzun ana qolları; Baharın boynuna sarışan gündür. N. Xəzri … Azərbaycan dilinin izahlı lüğəti