Victor Boin

Victor Boin

Victor Boin (born February 28, 1886 - died March 31, 1974) was a Belgian freestyle swimmer, water polo player, and épée fencer who competed in the 1908 Summer Olympics in the 1912 Summer Olympics, and in the 1920 Summer Olympics.

He was part of the Belgian water polo team and was able to win a silver and a bronze medal.

In 1908 he also participated in the 100 metre freestyle competition, but he was eliminated in the first round.

As fencer he finished fourth in the individual épée competition and 1912. In 1920 he was eliminated in the first round of the individual épée event. But as part of the Belgium team he won the silver medal in the team épée event.

Boin took the first Olympic Oath at the 1920 Games in Antwerp. He later found the International Association of Sports Journalists and President of the Belgian Olympic Committee.

Boin was also active in skating, flying, ice hockey, and motorcycle racing.


* [ profile]
* [ IOC 1920 Summer Olympics]
*Wallechinsky, David and Jaime Loucky (2008). "The Complete Book of the Olympics - 2008 Edition". London: Aurum Press, Limited. pp. 607, 1050.

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