- Ur (root)
Ur is the Basque word for '
water '.This root may be found in many place names and some derivates as:
*uharre / ugarre 'torrent'
*uhaitz / ugaitz 'torrential river' (French gave).
* urtz-◂ Ourse >Ousse , Urtzaran,Ossau Valley < "valis ursaliensis" (1127),Oursbelille House names (thus family names)
Uhalde or Ugalde, from "ur alde" 'water side'; Family names: "Duhalde, Uhalt, Duhalt".
*Uharte or Ugarte, from "ur arte" 'between water' ('between two brooks'; 'island'); Family names: "Duhart, Duarte'.River names (thus village names)
Urola , from "ur ola" 'hut of the water', coastal river inAzpeitia andZumaia (Spain)
*Urrobi , from "ur hobi" 'water hole', tributary of theIrati River , inNavarre
*Ugaran , from "urharan " 'water valley', inZugarramurdi
*Uhabia , from "urhabia " 'water hole', coastal river inBidart (France)
*Uhaneko erreka, right tributary of theNive inCambo-les-Bains
*Uhanki, brook in Saint-Michel
*Urontʰo (= Urondo) tributary of Ur Handia betweenJatxou and Villefranque
*Ur Handia 'big brook', brooks inLarrau and tributary of theArdanabia inHasparren
*Ur Gaitza (Urgatxa) 'dangerous brook', tributary of theArdanabia inUrcuit
*Ur Ona (Uroneko erreka) 'good water', brook inAhetze
*Ur Xuria (Urtxuria) 'white water', tributary of theIrati River from theLarrau Pass
*Ur Beltza, Ur Beltxa 'black water', brook inAldudes
*Urepel 'tepid water', commune of thePyrénées-Atlantiques
*Urcuray, river and village of the commune ofHasparren and probably:
*Urioko erreka, tributary of the Figareliko erreka inSare (Uri, tributary of the Harane in Sare).
*Oria, coastal river inLasarte-Oria .
*Urlo, tributary of the Haltzabala fromEspelette andSouraïde .
*Urma, tributary of theNivelle fromAinhoa .
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