Pomortsev (crater)

Pomortsev (crater)

lunar crater data
diameter=23 km
eponym=Mikhail M. Pomortsev

Pomortsev is a small lunar crater that is located in the eastern part of the Moon's near side. It lies on the eastern edge of Mare Spumans, to the southwest of Dubyago crater. This formation was previously designated 'Dubyago P' before being given a name by the IAU. A crater diameter to the north is the smaller Stewart crater.

The nearly featureless interior of this crater has been resurfaced by basaltic-lava, leaving a dark floor with an albedo that nearly matches the lunar mare to the west. The crater it roughly circular, with slight outward bulges to the north and northeast. The inner wall is wider along the souther half of the rim, and at its narrowest along the northwest rim where the crater makes contact with Mare Spumans.


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