

WhizBiz is a urology product company that is distributes the Whiz range of products for women in the Asia Pacfic region. Its main products are the "Whiz Plus" a female urination device, and the "Whiz Midstream" a product that automatically captures a midstream urine sample [www.whizbiz.com.au/html/midstream] .

WhizBiz came to the attention of the public in late 2005 and early 2006 with the launch of the Whiz Plus product [ [http://www.dominicantoday.com/app/article.aspx?id=8713 Device for women to pee standing - DominicanToday.com ] ] [ [http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=78948 Funnel helps women pee standing up ] ] [ [http://www.theage.com.au/news/National/Funnel-helps-women-pee-standing-up/2005/12/26/1135445520282.html Funnel helps women pee standing up - Breaking News - National - Breaking News ] ] and also received independent product reviews from travellers [ [http://www.travelgearblog.com/archive/whiz-review.html Whiz Review - Gear Review - Outdoor Gear Reviews - Travel Gear Blog ] ] [ [http://thegadgetblog.com/2005/09/29/whizbiz-for-ladies-to-pee/ WhizBiz for Ladies to Pee ] ] [ [http://www.travelaustralia.org.au/the-whiz-pee-standing-up/ The Whiz - pee standing up - Travel Australia ] ] .

The Whiz Plus has medical applications as it is used by ladies suffering from incontinence as supported by the Independent Living Centers Australia [ [http://www.ilcaustralia.org/supplier.asp?State=TAS&searchdb=&Search=&MC=11&MinC=52&item=5525&supid=1943 Supplier Detail - WhizBiz Pty Ltd ] ] . It is also used by women in wheelchairs who wish to urinate without leaving their seat. Also women suffering from arthritis, back and joint pain and pregnant women also use the device [www.whizbiz.com.au/html/standardwhiz.html] .

Pop Culture

The Whizbiz commercial [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yd6TObEJN-I] features a woman waking up next to an unattractive man. She slips out of bed to use the bathroom. The man wakes whilst hearing her urinate. He looks over to see she's standing. Assuming that she has a penis, he leaves the room petrified. Towards the end of the advert the Whizbiz is revealed.


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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