Prosthecate bacteria

Prosthecate bacteria

Prosthecate bacteria are a non-phylogenetically related group of Gram-negative bacteria that possess appendages, termed "prosthecae". These cellular appendages are neither pili nor flagella, as they are extensions of the cellular membrane and contain cytosol.cite book | author = Madigan, Michael T., Martinko, John M. | title = Brock Biology of Microorganisms | edition = 11th ed. | publisher = Pearson Prentice Hall | year = 2006 | id = ISBN 0-13-196893-9 ] One notable group of prosthecates is the genus "Caulobacter".


Prosthecates are generally chemoorganotrophic aerobes that can grow in nutrient-poor habitats, being able to survive at nutrient levels on the order of parts-per-million - for which reason they are often found in aquatic habitats. These bacteria will attach to surfaces with their prosthecae, allowing a greater surface area with which to take up nutrients (and release waste products).cite book | author = Madigan, Michael T., Martinko, John M. | title = Brock Biology of Microorganisms | edition = 11th ed. | publisher = Pearson Prentice Hall | year = 2006 | id = ISBN 0-13-196893-9 ] Some prosthecates will grow in nutrient-poor soils as aerobic heterotrophs.

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External links

Poindexter, Jeanne S. Dimorphic Prosthecate Bacteria: The Genera "Caulobacter", "Asticcacaulis", "Hyphomicrobium", "Pedomicrobium", "Hyphomonas" and "Thiodendron". []


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