- Bernice Forman
Bernice Forman (
September 10 ,1903 -June 12 ,1976 ) is afictional character on the FOX sitcom "That '70s Show ". She is portrayed byMarion Ross .Fictional character biography
Bernice Forman is the mother of
Red Forman . She appeared in three episodes in the first season. It is revealed that Red was dating a woman that Bernice liked and he married Kitty instead. Bernice andKitty Forman have a rough relationship, and often leads to them exchanging insults to one another. Red himself has a hard time trying to talk to her.Eric Forman is often a servant to her when she comes to visit. In 1976, in the episode entitled "Grandma's Dead ", she dies in Eric'sOldsmobile Vista Cruiser when he is driving her home after her weekly Sunday visit. Just before she dies Eric tells her that it wouldn't kill her to be nice for one day; seconds later she drops over dead. She appeared in a flashback in the season two episode "Halloween".
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