- Alhaiya bilaval
Alhaiya bilaval is a Hindustani classicalraga . It's the most commonly performed raga of the largeBilaval group , which mainly includes ragas based on the westernmajor scale . It is often simply referred to as Bilaval, although in the 17th century Alhaiya and Bilaval may have been separate ragas. [Bor 1999 p.22]
= Theory =Writing about the musical theory of Indian classical music is fraught with complications. First of all, there have been no set, formal methods of written notation. Indian music is an
aural tradition, and therefore writing is not an essential part of attainingtalim (knowledge).Arohana & Avarohana
S GR G P ND N S'Avarohana S' ND n D P M G MR SVadi & Samavadi
Samavadi Pakad orChalan Organization & Relationships
Related ragas:
Bilaval ,Shuddha bilaval ,Devgiri bilaval ,Shukla bilaval ,Kakubh bilaval [Bor 1999]Thaat :Bilaval Behavior
Behavior refers to practical aspects of the music. It is complicated to talk about this for Hindustani music since many of the concepts are fluid, changing, or archaic. The following information cannot be "accurate," but it can attempt to reflect how the music existed.
Samay (Time)Morning, around 9AM-12NOON.
Certain ragas have seasonal associations.
Rasa Historical Information
Important Recordings
Bor, Joep "(ed)." Rao, Suvarnalata; der Meer, Wim van; Harvey, Jane "(co-authors)" "The Raga Guide: A Survey of 74 Hindustani Ragas". Zenith Media, London: 1999.
[http://www.itcsra.org/sra_others_samay_index.html SRA on Samay and Ragas]
[http://www.itcsra.org/sra_raga/sra_raga_that/sra_raga_that_index.html SRA on Ragas and Thaats]
[http://www.sawf.org/music/articles.asp?pn=Music Rajan Parrikar on Ragas]----
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