Kunama Raju Palem

Kunama Raju Palem

Kunama Raju Palem or K.R Palem is a village in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh, India. It is 10 kilometers away from Nagari. The demography of the village is around 500 or more. There is one more sub village in it called MALADA. Malada is bit inside and the population there are mainly belonging to schedule castes.

The main occupation of the villagers is agriculture. At present i.e 2007, it has a lady sarpanch representing Malada (73rd amendment in the constitution of India).

K.JAYA CHANDHRA RAJU was a one of the good successful sarpanch in his times. He had been elected many times in his village and his father K. Raghava Raju was also a very good sarpanch.

source: K.M Swaroop

External links

* [http://panchayat.gov.in/adminreps/viewpansumr.asp?selstate=02&pno=49&ptype=V One page of the] panchayat listing for Chittoor

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