- Auguste Baron
Auguste Baron (1794–1862) was a Belgian study prefect of Royal Athenaeum of
Brussels and the first secretary of theUniversite Libre de Bruxelles .Career
Together with
Pierre-Théodore Verhaegen andAdolphe Quetelet , he was one of the founders of theUniversite Libre de Bruxelles , and the first secretary of the university when it was founded on20 November 1834 .At his inauguration lecture, he defined the basic principles of the new university:"nous jurons d'inspirer à nos élèves, quel que soit l'objet de notre enseignement, l'amour pratique des hommes qui sont frères, sans distinction de caste, d'opinion, de nation; nous jurons de leur apprendre à consacrer leurs pensées, leurs travaux, leurs talents au bonheur et à l'amélioration de leurs concitoyens et de l'humanité" (E: We solemnly pledge to inspire our pupils, whatever the object of our teaching, the love for all mankind, without distinction of caste, opinion, nation; we pledge to learn how to them to devote their thoughts, their work, their talents to the happiness and the improvement of the conditions of their fellow-citizens and of humanity)
* [http://www.ulb.ac.be/docs/ulb-prestige/librex.html Le principe du libre examen] (ULB, French)
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