Bagrat Shinkuba

Bagrat Shinkuba

Bagrat Vasilyevich Shinkuba, ( _ab. БаграUnicode|ҭ Уасыл-иUnicode|ҧа Шьынқәба; _ru. Баграт Васильевич Шинкуба) (Born 12 May 1917 — died 25 February 2004) was an Abkhaz writer, poet, historian, linguist and politician. He studied history and languages of Abkhaz, Adyghe and Ubykh people. His novel "The Last of the Departed" is dedicated to the tragic destiny of Ubykh nation, which became extinct along a hundred of years.

In 1958—1978 he was the Chairman of the Supreme Council Presidium of the Abkhaz Autonomous Republic.


* [ Bagrat Shinkuba. "The Last of the Departed" on Adyghe Library]
* Иалкаау иоымтакуа, т. 1—2, Akya, 1967—68; в рус. пер. — Избранное. [Предисл. К. Симонова] , М., 1976.

About him

* Цвинариа В. Л., Творчество Б. В. Шинкуба, Тб., 1970 (in Russian).

External links

* [ Размышления Баграта Шинкубы]
* [ Не уходи, Апсуа!]
* [ Скончался абхазский поэт Баграт Шинкуба]

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