Loch Broom — Sp Brùmo įlanka Ap Loch Broom angliškai Sp Lòch Brùmas Ap Loch Bhairon geliškai (škotiškai) L Minčo sąs., D. Britanija (Škotija) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
MacAulay of Ullapool and Loch Broom — The MacAulays of Ullapool and Loch Broom were a minor sept or clan, located in the area of Loch Broom on the north western coast of the Scottish Highlands. There is no connection between the MacAulays and the Clan MacAulay who were centred in the … Wikipedia
Broom (disambiguation) — A Broom is a cleaning tool which also had other uses, e.g. magical and punitive.Broom may also refer to:* Broom (shrub), a group of evergreen, semi evergreen, and deciduous shrub genera from the Cytiseae tribe * Broom, equipment used in Broomball … Wikipedia
Loch Bhairon — Sp Brùmo įlanka Ap Loch Broom angliškai Sp Lòch Brùmas Ap Loch Bhairon geliškai (škotiškai) L Minčo sąs., D. Britanija (Škotija) … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Loch [2] — Loch (spr. Loch), 1) in Schottland so v.w. Landsee od. Meerbusen, die bedentendsten L. Lagan (spr Läggan, 11/2 Meile lang, 1/4 Meile breit), L. Lochy (41/2Meile lang, 1/2 breit), L. Nees (6 Meilen lang, 1/2 breit, nie zufrierend, auf der Ostseite … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Liste schottischer Lochs — Loch ist das schottisch gälische Wort für einen See oder eine Meeresbucht, einen Fjord (englisch Firth). Das Wort, lɔx, «loch» mit kehligem «ch» ausgesprochen, ist verwandt mit dem altirischen Lough, rekonstruierte indogermanische Wurzel… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Macaulay family of Lewis — The Macaulay family of Uig in Lewis, known in Scottish Gaelic as Clann mhic Amhlaigh,[1] were a small family located around Uig on the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. There is no connection between the Macaulays of Lewis and Clan … Wikipedia
Munro (montañismo) — Sgurr nan Gillean en las Cuillin, isla de Skye. Un Munro es una montaña escocesa con una altura por encima de los 3.000 pies (910 msnm). Reciben este nombre por Sir Hugh Munro (1856–1919), quien elaboró la primera compilación de un catálogo de… … Wikipedia Español
Lochbroom — LOCHBROOM, a parish, in the county of Ross and Cromarty, 45 miles (N. W. by W.) from Dingwall; containing, with the late quoad sacra parish of Ullapool, 4799 inhabitants. This place derives its name from two considerable inlets, by which it is … A Topographical dictionary of Scotland
A832 road — UK road routebox road= A832 length mi= 126 length km= 201 direction= start= Cromarty destinations= end= A835 near Ullapool construction date= completion date= junctions= ukroadsmall|9 ukroadsmall|835 ukroadsmall|862 ukroadsmall|834… … Wikipedia