

Octar was a Hunnic ruler. His rule dates are unknown, yet it is believed he started around 420 AD. His relationship to the previous Hunnic ruler Charaton, mentioned by Olympiodorus in 412/413, is uncertain.[1]

According to contemporary historical sources, Octar ruled together with his brother Rugila in the form of a dual kingship, similarly like his nephews Attila and Bleda. He is very probably identical with the Hunnic leader Uptaros, who died ca. 430 (allegedly from the excess of food) during a military campaign against the Burgundians on the Rhine [2]. The next day, his army was attacked by the Burgundians and destroyed. After Octar's death, his brother Rugila ruled as a sole king of the Huns until his death ca. 435.


  1. ^ Maenchen_Helfen, Otto. The world of the Huns: studies in their history and culture. University of California Press, 1973. pp. 73. 
  2. ^ Maenchen_Helfen, Otto. The world of the Huns: studies in their history and culture. University of California Press, 1973. pp. 82–83. 
Preceded by
Hunnic rule
425 — 430 (?)
Succeeded by

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