Lightweight Rucksack

Lightweight Rucksack

The Lightweight Rucksack was the primary rucksack utilized by United States troops during the Vietnam War.

Its assembly consisted of a nylon pack with cinch cord, top flap and three exterior pockets and a tubular aluminum frame with padded shoulder straps and waist belt. The Lightweight Rucksack was developed in 1964 as a part of the United States Army's effort to develop suitable equipment for use by what were then advisors in South Vietnam, through testing by the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) at the Panama Canal Zone. Three different patterns of the LW Rucksack exist, with the latter two models featuring attachment points which allow the pack itself to be mounted in two and three different locations on the frame, respectively. The LW Rucksack augmented M1956 and M1961 Field Packs and was later partially replaced by the Tropical Rucksack of the M1967 MLCE. The Pack was typically mounted low on the frame allowing bulky equipment to be strapped above. Stocks of LW Rucksacks were replaced in United States military service beginning in 1974 with the adoption of the ALICE equipment. LW Rucksacks are currently quite desirable amongst collectors and period reenactors alike, and often retail for anywhere between $250 and $350 USD at dedicated militaria dealers and online auctions, in stark contrast to the $14.90 unit price of acquisition incurred by the Department of Defense.

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