Taza Jol Islam

Taza Jol Islam

Taza Jol is the Persian word for “The Pure Way”. It is used to describe the pure or correct way of practicing Islam, amongst Turkistani, Kazaks. Though the name Turkistan literally means “Land of the Turks” in Persian, they do not have their own national identity. Taza Jol at its core is a strict adherence to the five pillars of Islam, but beyond that it requires observers to live a god fearing and charitable life. The most often ignored of the five pillars by most Muslims is the act of Zakat, or giving a percentage of ones yearly income as alms to the poor. It is the duty of a good Muslim to both give and receive Zakat honorably.

The Taza Jol is a difficult belief system to satisfy. Most cosmopolitan Kazakhs cannot fulfill the necessary obligations and it a practice which is largely practiced in old age, when a person has the time and resources to commit. For this reason, many of these aged individuals will strive to fulfill their Muslim obligations, as well as practice the Taza Jol for those in their family. Taza Jol is the way of practicing Islam which most Muslims in the region aspire to. However, to strictly follow the practice has become to trying for Muslims of the present day.


* Privraatsky, Bruce. Kazak Religion and the Collective Memory. Curzon Press: Great Britain, 2001.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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