

name = Arctopsychidae

image_width =
image_caption =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
classis = Insecta
ordo = Trichoptera
subordo = Annulipalpia
superfamilia = Hydropsychoidea
familia = Arctopsychidae
subdivision_ranks =genera
subdivision = "Arctopsyche"

Arctopsychidae is a family level taxon consisting of net-spinning caddisflies. Larvae tend to live in clear, cold streams with stony bottoms. The larvae are often filter feeders, and will spin aquatic nets between stones to catch food particles. Adults will then emerge from the water to fly between late May and mid August. Distribution is holarctic and oriental. [ [ University of Alberta Entomology Collection] (Accessed 4 May, 2007)]


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