SCO can refer to:


* Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, a Eurasian inter-governmental organization


* Santa Cruz Operation, a company founded in 1979, renamed "Tarantella, Inc." in 2001
* SCO Group, the company originally known as "Caldera Systems" that acquired several assets from Santa Cruz Operation and got involved in a number of high-profile lawsuits
** SCO OpenServer, an operating system made by the above companies
* Osco Drug, a chain of pharmacy stores


* .sco, the proposed national internet TLD for Scotland
* Used as a country code for SCO
* Scots language (ISO 639 alpha-3: sco)
* Aktau Airport in Kazakhstan, where SCO is the designated IATA code.


* Scottish Chamber Orchestra
* Singapore Chinese Orchestra


* Angers SCO, French football club
* Selected Characteristics of Occupations, a companion volume to the U.S. Department of Labor's Dictionary of Occupational Titles
* Self_checkout machines are automated alternatives to the traditional cashier-staffed checkout at retailers.
* Shareable Content Object, an organization of web-based courseware
* Silver Chips Online, a high school newspaper
* Southern College of Optometry in Memphis, Tennessee
* Space Cowboy Online, the Gala-net version of Yedang's Ace Online, an action-based online 3D Space Shooter game.
* "Synchronous Connection Oriented" protocol used for audio devices in the Bluetooth protocol stack
* Scorpius, abbreviation for the constellation
* Synthetic Crude Oil, a type of crude oil
* Synchronous Connection-Oriented, a voice transmission channel in the Bluetooth system


* SCO, Second Chance Offer

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  • sco — sco·lia; sco·li·on; sco·li·o·sis; sco·lite; sco·li·thus; sco·lop·o·phore; sco·lyt·i·dae; sco·pa·rin; sco·par·i·us; sco·pate; sco·pel·i·dae; sco·pine; sco·pi·ous; sco·po·la; sco·pol·a·mine; sco·po·le·tin; sco·po·line; sco·po·ne; sco·po·phil·ia;… …   English syllables

  • Sco — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. SCO est le sigle de : SCO Shareable Content Object (voir à SCORM) ce composant e Learning interopérable est standardisé par ADL Une de ces deux… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • SCO — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Las siglas SCO pueden hacer referencia a: The SCO Group, conocido antiguamente como Caldera The Santa Cruz Operation, compañía que usaba el nombre en un principio hasta que vendió su división de sistemas Unix a… …   Wikipedia Español

  • -sco — sco, a 1 Sufijo de nombres y adjetivos. Expresa pertenencia y a veces aporta matiz despectivo. Puede tomar las formas « asco, esco, isco, usco»: ‘chulesco, morisco’. 2 Tiene también valor aumentativo o colectivo: ‘peñasco, soldadesca’. * * * sco …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • SCO —   [Abk. für Santa Cruz Operation], ein 1979 von Doug Michels und dessen Vater Larry Michels gegründetes US amerikanisches Unternehmen, das Unix Systeme für IBM kompatible PCs unter den Markennamen »OpenServer« und »Unixware« entwickelte und… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • SCO — Abreviatura de síndrome cerebral orgánico. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 …   Diccionario médico

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