Volodymyr Butkevych

Volodymyr Butkevych

Volodymyr G. Butkevych (Boutkevich) (b. August 2,1946, Region of Vinnytsia ) is a Ukrainian scholar and human rights activist.


1965-1970 State University of Kyiv, Faculty of Law1970-1971 Postgraduate studies in international public law, “kandidat” in science1978-1981 Research; doctorate in law

University and other qualifications

Doctor of Law, professorMember of the Academy of Sciences, Ukrainian National Academy State-recognised legal expert


1972-1974 Assistant lecturer in the Faculty of International and Foreign Law (FIFL) at the University of Kyiv 1974-1976 Senior lecturer in the FIFL 1974-1976 Vice-Dean of the Faculty of International Relations and International Law (FIRIL) at the University of Kyiv 1976-1982 Assistant Professor in the FIFL 1982-1985 Professor in the FIFL 1983-1988 Dean of the FIRIL 1985-1998 Director of the FIFIL 1988-1989 Professor at the University of Kyiv 1988-1989 Director of the Institute of International Relations and International Law 1994-1998 Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament’s Committee on Human Rights, the Rights of National Minorities and Inter-ethnic Relations Since 1998 Judge at the European Court of Human Rights

Activity in the human rights field

Since 1972 Lecturer on human rights, international humanitarian law and human rights protection at the University of Kyiv 1980-1996 Lectured on human rights at universities in France, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Switzerland, Russia, the United States and other countries 1986-1998 President of the annual Human Rights Conference (Kyiv) 1988 Leader of the Ukrainian delegation at the Conference on human rights education (Valletta, Malta) 1988 Leader of the Ukrainian delegation at the Seminar on human rights (Geneva, United Nations) 1989 Member of the Soviet delegation to the Paris Conference on humanitarian problems (Paris, France) 1990 United Nations expert at the Seminar on international standards in the human rights field (Kyiv, Ukraine) Since 1990 Attendance at the annual conference of the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (San Remo, Italy) 1991-1994 Lectured on human rights at secondary school No. 77 in Kyiv 1991-1994 Human rights consultant on the Ukrainian Parliament’s Committee on Youth Questions 1992-2000 Member of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 1992-1999 Chief editor of the Ukrainian Bulletin of International Law 1992-1996 Director of the Pan-Ukrainian Human Rights Centre 1992 Rapporteur of the working group on arrest, detention, fair trial, habeas corpus, the death penalty, judicial treatment of minors, and privatisation of prisons of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 1993 Leader of the working group on arrest, detention, fair trial, habeas corpus, the death penalty, judicial treatment of minors, and privatisation of prisons of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 1994-1997 Specialised editor of the journal, Human rights in Ukraine 1994 Vice-Chairman of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 1994-1998 Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament’s Committee on Human Rights, Minorities and Inter-ethnic Relations 1994-1996 Member of the Ukrainian Parliament’s Constitutional Commission, Chairman of the Working Party on preparation of the section of the Ukrainian Constitution dealing with “Human and citizens’ rights and liberties” 1995-1998 Member of the Ukrainian President’s Committee on issues relating to women, maternity and childhood 1996-1999 Rapporteur for the working paper on freedom of movement, the right to leave and re-enter one’s country freely, and the right of asylum of the Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights 1996 Elected judge in the European Court of Human Rights, sworn in in 1997. Has participated in examining over 1,200 cases, and has been appointed rapporteur in 850. 1997-1998 Member of the Ukrainian President’s Co-ordinating Council on Judicial and Legal Reform

Political activity

1994-1998 Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Chairman of its Committee on Human Rights, National Minorities and Inter-ethnic Relations1994 Chairman of the Ukrainian Parliament’s Provisional Committee for settlement of the problems in the Crimea 1995-1996 Co-Chairman of the Sub-Committee of the Ukrainian Parliament’s Constitutional Commission 1995-1996 Member of the parliamentary delegation to meetings and sessions of the OSCE and the PACE (Canada, Denmark, Austria, Hungary, Poland)

Other activities

1983-1998 Member of the Scientific Council in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1985-1991 Member of the Jurists’ Association of the Ukrainian Society for Friendship with Foreign Countries 1988-1991 Vice-President of the International Law Association of the USSR 1991-1999 President of the Pan-Ukrainian International Law Association 1993-1996 Head of the Department of Philosophy, Law and History of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian National Academy Since 1994 Member of the World Congress of Ukrainian Jurists Since 1994 Member of the Ukrainian National Jurists’ Club 1996-1997 Member of the Ukrainian President’s Organising Group for examination of the draft Ukrainian Constitution 1996-1997 Co-Chairman of the Pan-Ukrainian Committee to support the Ukrainian Constitution

Publications and other works

More than 170 specialised publications, including 11 books

Principal publications

Soviet Constitution and International Treaty (monograph), Kyiv, 1977

Correlation of Internal and International Law (monograph), Kyiv, 1981

Implementation of International Treaties in the Inner-State Sphere (monograph), Sverdlovsk, 1987

Right on the Crimea (monograph), Kyiv, 1992

Human Rights in Ukraine, Kyiv, 1996

Freedom of Movement, United Nations, 1997

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