ALGOR is a general-purpose multiphysics finite element analysis software package developed by ALGOR Incorporated for use on the Microsoft Windows and Linux computer operating systems. It is distributed in a number of different core packages to cater to specifics applications, such as mechanical event simulation and computational fluid dynamics.

ALGOR is used by many scientists and engineers worldwide. [ [ About Us - Featured Customers ] ] It has found application in aerospace [J. B. Binder, " [ Algor finite element modeling tools aid aerospace] ", "Aerospace America", vol. 33, no. 5, 1995.] , and it has received many favorable reviews [B. Turney, "How two operating systems boost FEA productivity," 3/23/2006,] [J. Greco, " [ Flexible FEA Program Supports Mixed Elements To Speed Up Analysis] " "CADALYST", Jan. 2005.] [R. Helms, "ALGOR FEA Predicts Mechanism Failure and Confirms Design Modification," 4/1/2005,] .

Typical uses

* Bending; stress–strain
* Mechanical contact
* Thermal (conduction, convection, radiation)
* Fluid dynamics
* Coupled and uncoupled multiphysics

Materials and elements database

ALGOR's library of material models includes:

* Metals and alloys
* Plastics
* Glass
* Foams
* Fabrics
* Elastomers
* Concrete (with rebar) and soils
* User-defined materials

ALGOR's element library depends on the geometry and type of analysis performed, but includes:

* 8 and 4 node bricks
* 8 and 4 node shells
* Beam and trusses


External links

* [ Project home page]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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