

Salakanagara kingdom - a first historically recorded kingdom in Western Java, created by Sundanese people. Existed between 200-362 AD

It has not been proven, but it is most probable that the first kingdom in Sunda land was Salakanagara (City of Silver). Some historians connect this name with an island called Argyre (from Greek "argyros": silver) mentioned by Ptolemeus in 150 M. The location of the kingdom is estimated to be in current Teluk Lada, Pandeglang, a city which is famous with metal works. (Pandeglang, or "pande gelang" means the maker of metal bracelet or armlet). Some people also estimated that the kingdom was situated around Salak mountain based on the pronunciation of the words Salaka and Salak which are almost the same.

According to a history record from India, the kingdom ruled Javadwipa from 200 AD to 362 AD. The founder of the kingdom was "Aki Tirem". The kings of Salakanagara were:

*1. Dewawarman I
*2. Dewawarman II
*3. Dewawarman III
*4. Dewawarman IV
*5. Dewawarman V
*6. Dewawarman VI
*7. Dewawarman VII
*8. Dewawarman VIII

Salakanagara was replaced by Tarumanagara.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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