ITV scheduling of Shortland Street

ITV scheduling of Shortland Street

"Shortland Street" is a New Zealand television series that was shown regularly in the United Kingdom until 2003. Episodes were first screened in the Central region, and were frequently edited by Central, apparently to cut out more adult material unsuited to an afternoon timeslot. Later in 2001 Central shared editing duties with Border Television. Apparently Central in the mid 1990s asked Scottish Television, if they started airing episodes, but Scottish Television declined favouring Gaelic programs. These edited versions then did the rounds of the other ITV regions.

Granada was the last ITV region to stop showing episodes, ITV did not buy any more episodes, to the anger of cult viewers. Stats showed that "Shortland Street" was more popular than ITV's soap at the time "Night and Day", which is amazing due to Shortland Street only being aired consistently in only 4 or 5 regions. "Night and Day" was averaging 750,000 viewers compared to "Shortland Street"'s 1.8 - 2.2 million

Northern Irish viewers are lucky enough to watch "Shortland Street" via RTÉ on Sky TV.

The following information shows the "Shortland Street" scheduling on UK ITV.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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