

Preugenes (Greek: Πρευγένης) was a mythical king of Achaea in Greece.

He was a descendant of the Lacedaemonian king and persecuted by the relatives of the Doric tribes during the 11th century BC, they came with his army in Achaea and seeka place to establish. Together they were along with other Achaeans descendants of the kings of Argos and also they had been removed from the Dorians. There, they sieged the residents of Ions from the area and where they closed in Helike, they know and divided Achaea into six kingdoms, Preugenes ruled the east and the larger part and became the first king of the area. He succeeded the son of Patreas, the colonist of Patras. He knew he was a founder of the celebration of the Artemis Limnatis. In those times think there were two colonists of Patras.


*"The first version of the article is translated and is based from the article at the Greek Wikipedia (el:Main Page)

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