List of Vandels in Beet the Vandel Buster

List of Vandels in Beet the Vandel Buster

This is a list of Vandels from "Beet the Vandel Buster".

Riku Sanjo and Koji Inada said that they did not base the Vandels off of any particular mythology. The two approached the creation as if they were making a "new myth." They developed each character from one purpose or idea "as an axis.""On the Beet." "Shonen Jump" Volume 2, Issue 11. November 2004. VIZ Media. 7.] The fears of vampires and devils inspired the "image source" of the Vandels."On the Beet." "Shonen Jump" Volume 2, Issue 11. November 2004. VIZ Media. 8.]


: Status: Deceased: Mugine of the Black Bog: Stars: 2

A Vandel that terrorized the hometown of Beet and Poala while Beet trained, and was the first one Beet destroyed in the manga. He is composed entirely of mud, fitting as he resides in a rotting swamp. Mugine's pride lies in his intelligence, and he enjoys making complicated plans and calculations to rid himself of his enemies. This Vandel has an apparent preference of the water element, using mostly water monsters as his servants. However, he also employs drawmen and drawmasters in his plots. Mugine enjoys poisoning areas with his mud lizard-filled black bogs, and had infected many areas before he was defeated. To attack, he absorbs water and turns it into a long, sharp blade, though he has created blades without water. Being composed of liquid, he can detach parts of his body and use them to immobilize his opponents. After being sliced in half by Beet, he regenerated his lost abdomen by consuming his monsters and fusing them into his body. In this state, he could create multiple blades from the crack between the halves of his body and spin them in a buzzsaw fashion. He was destroyed by the efforts of Beet and Poala outside the Gate of their town, ironically with the water-based Crown Shield's light.


: Status: Deceased: The Black Spider: Stars: 3

Ventura deserves mention by virtue of his sheer pitifulness. It seems unlikely that he obtained any of his stars with out Grineed's help. Poala maimed and pummeled him without even using divine attacks. He boasts and bluffs then grovels like the worm he is when things go wrong. He is vain, cowardly and spiteful. Grineed made him his servant so he must be good for something, bonus material says he functions as a spy. He is without a doubt the weakest Vandel seen so far. He was killed, along with Frausky, by Beet, using the Cyclone Gunner's "sniping" mode, while running away.


: Status: Deceased: The Flashy Crimson Bullet: Stars: 5

Frausky is one of Grineed's lackeys, said to be his strongest. Unlike Rozzgoat who is a dark attack specialist or Grineed who crushes his opponents with his fist, Frausky relies of the unique properties of his body. His right hand and forearm turn into a pistol that fire biological bullets that are generated inside his body giving him effectively unlimited ammo. His right arm works as a cannon firing bombs and he can launch a bunch of needles from his hair. Most formidable of all is his ability to withstand and recover from damage. Frausky has what he calls a core; it's about the size of a golf ball, has a face on it, and two leaves sticking out of the top. Frausky can survive anything so long as his core is intact, although injuries may still reduce his fighting ability. The core is usually concealed and can be moved to any part of his body. If he finds himself in danger, he separates whatever part has the core then plants it in soil to grow a whole new body. This is usually done with his left arm so he will not lose his stars. The abandoned body explodes violently. The strangest thing about Frausky is his love for children and animals. He says that baby animals and humans have an aura of helplessness and that he cannot kill them. When Shagi questions him about killing Beet, who is a child, he says that humans are cute until they reach a certain size after that they are "out of bounds" and it is okay to kill them. He is killed with Ventura when Beet used Cyclone Gunner's "sniper mode".


: Status: Active: The King of Tragedy: Stars: 5, later 7

Slade called Beltorze "that legendary monster." After his fight with Zenon and his squad, Beltorze is left weakened and unable to move. Therefore he uses a phantom (puppet with his figure) to raid and kill innocent towns, people, and weaker Vandels. His phantom was beaten by Beet in an epic battle. This battle helped Beet grow in fame in the Vandel world and moreover become Beltorze's awaited enemy. Until that day, he grows in power in the mountains as time passes. Shagi calls him the veteran who never moves. It seems as if he cannot move, but it is possible he just does not. He considers the Vandel scholar Noa his best friend as one who has the traits he lacks. Beltorze lives for challenges and loves to fight. He will be the fourth seven-star Vandel to try to kill Beet.

Sanjo and Inada said that Beltorze was not based on Japanese mythology or any particular mythology; they said that his design is based on a "samurai" or a "general."


: Status: Deceased: The Immovable Giant: Stars: 7

A huge Vandel who is apparently made of bricks, Garonewt uses his special ability gravi zone to render his opponents too heavy to move, then smashes them with his fists. His skill with Dark attacks seems limited to powering up his fist. He has thousands of stolen monsters stored in his body bricks. He can release them by breaking the bricks. He can also store other Vandels but only if all their stars are removed, but any wounds they have will heal. Creatures in the bricks generate no dark energy so they pass through the shield that extends above a city wall with no problem. He has two arm shields that, like his fists, are so hard that the Excellion Blade could barely scratch them with regular attacks. The left one turns into a launcher for his bricks. He is slated to challenge Beet first. (Although he rigged the contest to determine order to ensure that he would be the first.) In volume 10, in his battle against Beet and his group, Garonewt was able to get rid of every monster block inside of him, which increased his speed dramatically. It is revealed in volume 11, that the 7 star Rodina has set it up. Using her skill with portals, she made sure that Garonewt went first. Although the first to die, Hystario has commented that Garonewt would've been invincible if it weren't for his short fuse and tendency to play rottenly.


: Status: Alive: The Evil blade: Stars: 7

Other than the fact he plays the guitar, little is known about this seven star Vandel. He is to be the third 7 star to challenge Beet. As shown in volume 11, Hystario hides a blade in his guitar, which he draws against Baron. Whether this is the blade that earned him his title is still unknown as of this moment. In volume 11 the name of Hystario's technique is called Fang Style Transmigration. He seems to despise Baron and has a powerful rivalry with him. At the end of volume 11, he managed to pierce Baron's body with his sword by memorizing Baron's movements during an earlier confrontation. In volume 12 it is revealed that his "Fang Style Transmigration" is actually his sword, made of his bone, being transformed while in its sheath, then, as he draws his sword, the specially formed blade, in this case, flies off at pierces baron . His current status, as in volume 12, is incapacitated by Sir Baron. He was literally torn apart by the knight then hung on a tree by Noa, the Vandel Scolar.

Lady Rodina

: The Little Devil: Stars: 7

Rodina is the first female Vandel to be seen in the story, and she might be the only one. She looks human and is rather cute. She claims that other Vandels often accuse her of acting human but she is a 7 star Vandel and that does not happen by being nice. Her specialty is creating portals to move herself or others quickly from one place to another. She saved Beet from Garonewt but only so he would not get an unfair jump on the other 7 stars. Her constant companion is Cynthia the margtin - a type of small nearly blind monster with retractable spines, sharp teeth and bottomless appetite for human flesh. She is to be the fifth and final 7 star to challenge Beet. In volume 11 she explains to Garonewt that she manipulated him and chose to go last. She crushes his head when he is about to completely crumble after taking him to her room and is watched by Shagie before leaving through the Door of Shimyaku. She also appears to have some thoughts about Kissu.


: Status: Active: World busiest Vandel/The Phantom Vandel/Chief of the Dark House of Sorcery/Director of Vandel Hotel: Stars: unknown

The Chief of the Dark House of Sorcery, Shagie is in charge of distributing stars and creating monsters. He appears in the form of a rabbit and most of the time seems happy, but has a bit of evil margining under his surface. Who knows whom he serves - elegance, Beltorze or even what he called the "creator". Often provides Vandels with information on Busters. Has the ability to create doors leading from one place to another. He answers to the Eyes of Darkness who created the Vandels. It is unknown just how powerful he really is.


: Status: Active: The Vandel Scholar: Stars: 7

: Said to have mastered all fields of study, Noa is what Grineed could only pretend to intellectual. He dislikes fighting and never sought to be a seven star Vandel. In his own words, "I simply brushed off the sparks that landed on me and this is what I received." He created the Beltorze Phantom that Beet destroyed. He has withdrawn from the contest to kill Beet as he has no interest in being the 8 star Vandel. All he cares for is his studies. He is friends with Beltorze, and drew for him in the contest to determine order. It is also implied that he is in fact incredibly powerful, as evident when Beltorze said only fools cannot see the terrifying power in Noa. Noa wears what seem to be one half of a pair of spyglasses over his left eye. Whether it is there for reason or not is unknown, but it may be that this glass gives Noa some sort of power to predict what happens in a certain amount of time based on the current situation. Or it may be that this glass just does all the calculations for him. He may have a teleportation-like ability as he is able to appear instantly at Baron's stronghold to intervene on a potential fight between Hystario and Baron by stopping Hystario's secret technique. Another theory is that Noa has the ability to stop time, which would also explain his sudden appearance both when Baron and Hystario confronted each other and when the Beet Warriors fought Grineed.


: Status: Deceased: The Bloody Beast/The Clever Honcho of Deep Green/The Dark Green Tactician: Stars: 6 later 7

The self-proclaimed Dark Green Tactician, Grineed is considered to be one of the top Vandels matching in strength even the mighty king Beltorze. He detests the violent nature of Vandels, especially his own, and tries to contain himself by encasing himself in a special shell. He uses poisons and henchmen to do his dirty work, typically, rather than fight himself. He took Kissu in because of his knowledge. He set him to the task of deciphering ruins which held the secrets of making monsters from the Earth's materials. Before his death, the monsters he created were 99% completed.

When angered, though (this can occur at provocations as small as a bad choice of words), Grineed shows the true nature of the creature beneath the shell. Provoked enough, the creature will burst free of his shell. In this form, known by the other Vandels as Bloody Beast Grineed, he is virtually indestructible and nightmarishly strong. Using his Peak Infuriation attack a.k.a Fierce Wave of Infuriated Steel in the manga, he can create a powerful blast with deadly results. Unlike other Vandels who view humans as a source of amusement, Grineed seems to genuinely hate them. He is defeated by Boltic Axe, teamwork of the 3 Beet Warriors, and Beet's surprising ability to use Divine Attacks. He was the main villain for almost the entire first season instead of in the manga that he lasts 3 volumes in the manga recently shown in a flashback talking about Baron. According to the filler, Grunide is much stronger in his normally seen form probably because he is much calmer to use techniques that were usually berserk. Voiced by: Robert Brillantes(American)
Ryūzaburō Ōtomo(Japanese)


: Status: Active: The Conqueror/King of the Sky: Stars: 7

Little is known about this seven star Vandel other than the fact he can fly. He has a unique sense of honor and was the one who spared Kissu while killing his previous Buster group. He will be the second seven star to try to kill Beet. He and Hystario have a powerful rivalry. He seems to prefer fighting humans more than his fellow Vandels and has a habit of letting promising Busters go in hopes that they return more powerful in order to fight him. According to Noa, this is why Hystario hates him. In Volume 11 he appears outside a village where Beet, Poala, and Kissu are staying and reveals his "baptizing blow" Fierce Celestial Palm, This is also the technique that slaughtered Kissu's former Buster team. He also is known as Sir Baron, due to being called "sir" by a defeated warrior who thought that Baron fought in a fair and honorable manner. In volume 12 it is revealed that under his mask lies his other brain, the violent and sadistic Zanga. Zanga awakens once a month, on the night of the red moon, and also asserts control if Baron is badly injured. He is currently fighting Kissu, who has regained his fighting spirit.

Anime Only


: The Raging Flame : Status: Deceased : Stars: 3

This Vandel is the first Vandel shown in the anime. Using his monsters and his dark attacks, he terrorizes the humans of a small town. Right when he is about to kill a mother and her son using his Raging Inferno, Beet shows up and defends them. Then, Beet proceeds to defeat of Giluth's monster guards with the Excellion Blade to then fight against Giluth and his scythe. Beet is able to knock the scythe out of Giluth's hands and kill him with the Zenon Winzard.

Giluth specialized in fire-type Dark Attacks, including the Raging Inferno and the Expanding Fire. Giluth was also armed with a scythe.


: Melmond of the Silver Demon Hand: Status: Deceased: Stars: 4

Known as Melmond of the Silver Demon Hand, Melmond draws out Busters and makes them bring out their Saigas. Once their Saiga is out, he traps them in the Circle of Hell and freezes them. He then takes their Saiga and adds it to his collection. Beet first encounters him after meeting Jiiku.


: Hell's Lightning: Status: Deceased: Stars: 5

Zande first appeared with the intention of destroying the town of Uncruz, only for the reason of spiting the Vandel Beltorze who also wanted it destroyed. Beet, only a Level 1 Buster at the time, attempted to fight Zande, was an easy target for one of Zande's sword-throwing attacks. Beet was saved by Zenon, who then fought against Zande. Zande was able to cut through Zenon's sword but the rest of the Zenon Warriors came to Zenon's aid. Zande proved to be a formidable opponent for the Zenon Warriors, but their teamwork was able to badly damage him. Zande was ultimately killed by the Zenon and his Excellion Blade, using his attack Zenon Winzard.

Zande used Thunder-type Dark Attacks, along with the Right-Handed Thunder. Zande also used a sword made of electric energy which could be thrown as a spear as well.


: The Priest of Dawn: Status: Deceased: Stars: 5

Barasa was a strong Vandel who had always wanted to control the Black Horizon. However, it was under the control of the stronger Vandel, Grineed. During Grineed's reign, Barasa put himself in a coma but awoke himself upon Grineed's death.

Immediately after awakening, Barasa captured the city of Termits by planting mushrooms which captured the humans living in the city. When the Beet Warriors entered the city, they found him killing a Vandel Buster, and immediately engaged him in a fight, but were overwhelmed by Barasa's extreme speed. Barasa then blackmailed the Beet Warriors by showing them that all the mushrooms surrounding them contained humans and that if the mushrooms were hit by their attacks, the humans in them would die. Barasa had also set up a cannon, whose powerful blasts were enough to send the Beet Warriors into the seas.


: The weakest Vandel on the planet : Status: Alive: Stars: One

A tubby cat like Vandel who is apparently weaker then even Ventura, he is relatively friendlier and humorous then most of the bloodthirsty Vandels. He appears in the filler Beet Excellion Saga as a prisoner of Vaus's jail.


: Lord of Greed: Status:: Stars: 6

Harden was a six-star Vandel who had an obsession with finding gold. He attacked Shantego in order to find its gold treasure but was attacked by Beet. Upon the realization that there was no gold in Shantego, Harden decided to leave Shantego alone, but Beet kept fighting, as he didn't want Harden to harm the humans any more. Beet attempted to destroy Harden, but a mysterious partner of Harden's confirmed the fact that there was no gold in Shantego. Harden and the partner retreated.


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