- Felix of Moray
Felix was a 12th century
prelate based inScotland . His career is rather obscure, and he himself is little more than a name of aBishop of Moray . Felix appears to have been the successor to Bishop William,Papal legate , who died in 1162. We know that thediocese of Moray was still vacant in 1164, and Felix does not occur in the records until some point between 1166 and 1171. Felix must have died or, less likely, resigned the bishopric in either 1170 or 1171, for in the latter year his successorSimon de Tosny received election.References
* Dowden, John, "The Bishops of Scotland", ed. J. Maitland Thomson, (Glasgow, 1912)
* Keith, Robert, "An Historical Catalogue of the Scottish Bishops: Down to the Year 1688", (London, 1924)
* Watt, D.E.R., "Fasti Ecclesiae Scotinanae Medii Aevi ad annum 1638", 2nd Draft, (St Andrews, 1969)
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