

The phallotoxins consist of at least seven compounds, all of which have seven similar peptide rings, isolated from the death cap "(Amanita phalloides)". Phalloidin had been isolated in 1937 by Feodor Lynen, Heinrich Wieland's student and son-in-law, and Ulrich Wieland of the University of Munich. [cite journal
title = 50 Jahre Phalloidin
doi = 10.1007/BF00405464
author = Theodor Wieland
volume = 74
issue = 8
pages = 367–373
year = 1987
journal = Naturwissenschaften
] [cite journal
title = Über die Giftstoffe des Knollenblätterpilzes
doi = 10.1002/jlac.19385330105
author = Feodor Lynen, Ulrich Wieland
volume = 533
issue = 1
pages = 93–117
year = 1938
journal = Justus Liebig's Annalen der Chemie
] The remaining six are prophalloin, phalloin, phallisin, phallicidin, phallacin and phallisacin. Though highly toxic to liver cells, it has since been found to have little input into the death cap's toxicity as it is not absorbed through the gut. Furthermore, it is also found in the edible (and sought after) Blusher ("Amanita rubescens").cite journal |last=Litten|first= W. |year=1975|month=March |title=The most poisonous mushrooms |journal=Scientific American |volume=232 |issue=3 |pages=90–101 |pmid=1114308]


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  • phallotoxin — /fal euh tok sin/, n. Mycol. any of a group of potent mycotoxins produced by certain mushroom species of the genus Amanita. [1965 70; < NL (Amanita) phallo(ides) one such species (see PHALLUS, OID) + TOXIN] * * * …   Universalium

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  • phallotoxin — /fal euh tok sin/, n. Mycol. any of a group of potent mycotoxins produced by certain mushroom species of the genus Amanita. [1965 70; < NL (Amanita) phallo(ides) one such species (see PHALLUS, OID) + TOXIN] …   Useful english dictionary

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