Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 1999

Lithuania in the Eurovision Song Contest 1999

For the Eurovision Song Contest 1999, Lithuania entered "Strazdas", performed by Aistė Smilgevičiūtė. It received 13 points and finished 20th.

The National Final was held in Vilnius on December 27, 1998 and was shown on television on December 31. It was hosted by Vilija Grigonytė and Vytautas Kernagis. There was both televoting and an expert jury, the latter being used to determine the winner.

The final was made up of these twelve songs:

* 1: Nubudusi širdis - Aistė Pilvelytė
* 2: Nešk mane - B'Avarija
* 3: Aš dovanoju - Violeta Riaubiškytė
* 4: Viena naktyje - Džeirana Kazlauskaitė
* 5: Tylos verinys - Aistė Pilvelytė
* 6: Mano zvaigzde - Otilija
* 7: Vasaros buvo per daug - Ruta Ščiogolevaitė
* 8: Sapnas - Rene
* 9: Strazdas - Aistė Smilgevičiūtė
* 10: Pamiršk - B'Avarija
* 11: Apie tai - Rosita Čivilytė
* 12: Kelias pas tave - RebelHeart

The results of the jury vote was has follows:

* 1: Strazdas - Aistė Smilgevičiūtė
* 2: Kelias pas tave - RebelHeart
* 3: Apie tai - Rosita Čivilytė
* 4: Nešk mane - B'Avarija

"Strazdas" would go on to be the first Lithuanian entry to gain any points, with its only other entry - "Lopšinė mylimai" by Ovidijus Vyšniauskas in 1994 - receiving "nil points".

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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