Jeffrey Schnapp

Jeffrey Schnapp

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Jeffrey T. Schnapp has been the director of the Stanford Humanities Lab since its foundation in 2000 (co-director since 2005). He occupies the Pierotti Chair in Italian Literature at Stanford University [] where he is professor of French & Italian, Comparative Literature, and German Studies. Though primarily anchored in the field of Italian studies, he has played a pioneering role in several areas of transdisciplinary research and led the development of a new wave of digital humanities work. His research interests extend from antiquity to the present, encompassing the material history of literature, the history of 20th century architecture and design, and the cultural history of science and engineering.

Trained as a Romance linguist, Schnapp is the author or editor of eighteen books and over one hundred essays on authors such as Virgil, Dante, Hildegard of Bingen, Petrarch, and Machiavelli, and on topics such as late antique patchwork poetry, futurist and dadaist visual poetics, the cultural history of coffee consumption, glass architecture, and the iconography of the pipe in modern art. He is the co-editor of the Johns Hopkins University Press quarterly "Modernism/modernity", the official journal of the Modernist Studies Association. He is also a well-established guest curator who has collaborated with such institutions as the Cantor Arts Center, the Wolfsonian-FIU, the Triennale di Milano, and the Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio.

His research has been supported by fellowships or grants from the Andrew Mellon Foundation (1992), the National Humanities Center (1991), the Simon Guggenheim Foundation (1991), the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC (1996), the Getty Research Institute (2005), the National Endowment for the Humanities (1986-1988, 2006), and the Canadian Centre for Architecture (2007).

Schnapp has two long-term research projects underway of which several sections have already been published: one, entitled "Quickening" (on the cultural history and anthropology of speed); the other, entitled "Songs of Matter" (on the culture of modern materials such as steel, aluminum, tempered glass, and plastic). Much of his recent curatorial work has emphasized experimentation with "mixed reality" approaches to physical exhibitions (including "SPEED limits", a show that links several physical exhibitions in North America and Europe through a virtual world platform).

"Crowds", his most recent edited volume, was the recipient of the Modernist Studies Association prize for best book of 2006.

Principal books

"The Transfiguration of History at the Center of Dante's Paradise". Princeton & Guildford: Princeton U P, 1986.

"L'Espositione di Bernardino Daniello da Lucca sopra la Commedia di Dante". Ed. with Robert Hollander; in collaboration with Kevin Brownlee and Nancy J. Vickers. Hanover & London: U P of New England, 1989.

"The Poetry of Allusion: Virgil and Ovid in Dante's Commedia". Ed. with Rachel Jacoff. Stanford: Stanford U P, 1991.

"Staging Fascism: 18 BL and The Theater of Masses for Masses". Stanford: Stanford U P, 1996. Expanded edition (in Italian translation), 18 BL. Mussolini e l'opera d'arte di massa. Milan: Garzanti Editore, 1996.

"A Primer of Italian Fascism". Edition with commentary and introduction. Trans. by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Olivia E. Sears, and Maria Stampino. European Horizons series. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000.

"Gaetano Ciocca. Costruttore, inventore, agricoltore, scrittore". Introduction by Giorgio Ciucci. With brief contributions by Massimo Martignoni and Paola Pettenella. Quaderni di Architettura 3. Museo di Arte Moderna, Trento-Rovereto. Milan: Skira, 2000.

"Vedette fiumane. L'occupazione vista e vissuta da Madeleine Witherspoon Dent Gori-Montanelli, crocerossina americana, e da Francesco Gori-Montanelli, Capo del Genio e del reparto fotografico". Ed. with introduction, notes, and iconographic apparatus. Trans. Valentina Ricci. Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2000.

"Hugo Ball/Jonathan Hammer, Ball and Hammer (Tenderenda the Fantast)". Edited and introduced by Jeffrey T. Schnapp. New Haven: Yale U P, 2002.

"Anno X. La Mostra della Rivoluzione fascista del 1932: genesi - sviluppo - contesto culturale-storico - ricezione". With an afterword by Claudio Fogu. Piste - Piccola biblioteca di storia 4. Rome-Pisa: Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2003.

"Building Fascism, Communism, Democracy: Gaetano Ciocca—Builder, Inventor, Farmer, Writer, Engineer". Stanford: Stanford U P, 2003.

"In cima-- Giuseppe Terragni per Margherita Sarfatti (Nuove architetture della memoria)", catalogue for exhibition of same name, curated and edited by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Centro Internazionale Andrea Palladio, Vicenza, June 26, 2004-January 1, 2005. Venice: Marsilio Editore, June 2004.

"Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Teatro", edited by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, 2 vols., Oscar Mondadori, (Milan: Mondadori 2004).

"Revolutionary Tides", catalogue for exhibition of same name, curated and edited by Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Cantor Arts Center / The Wolfsonian-FIU, Hoover Institution, (Milan: Skira and Cantor Arts Center, 2005). Italian, French, and English editions.

"Crowds", ed. by Jeffrey T. Schnapp and Matthew Tiews, (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2006).

"Neoantiqua - Nove ensaios sobre literatura, linguagem e pensamento na Idade Média e no Renascimiento." Introduction by Luiz Costa-Lima. Trans. Erick Felinto de Oliveira, Alessandra Vannucci, and Maria Lucia Daflon. (Collection of essays, some previously published, translated into Portuguese). Rio de Janeiro: Eduerj (Editora da Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro), 2008.

"Italiamerica," ed. and introduced by Emanuela Scarpellini and Jeffrey T. Schnapp, vol. 1 forthcoming Milan: Il Saggiatore, spring 2008.


"Serious Play: Intervista a Jeffrey Schnapp di Andrea Genovese," Salone del Mobile special issue "Il Design ci salverà! Ma come?," "Seventh Floor" 11.2 (April 2008): 18-19.

"La parola ai professori: Il futuro del web sarà a 3d," interviewed by Mauro Garofalo, "Nòva --ricerca innovazione creatività" supplement, "Il Sole 24 Ore", Feb. 28, 2008.

"Scienze umane da laboratorio. Parla Jeffrey Schnapp," interviewed by Stefano Gulmanelli, "Nòva --ricerca innovazione creatività" supplement, "Il Sole 24 Ore", Aug. 2, 2007.

"La forza Usa?," interviewed by Cristina Casadei, "Il Sole 24 Ore", May 18, 2007.

Owen Edwards, "Flower Power," "Smithsonian Magazine", April 2007,

" [ Strength in numbers: Humanities Scholars put heads together,"] interviewed by Linda Weber, "Stanford Magazine", Nov-Dec. 2005.

"End Paper: Flights of Fancy," "The Chronicle Review -- Chronicle of Higher Education" (Oct. 4, 2002): B19.

"Dopo il sogno tecnologico," interviewed by Ida Dominijanni, "Il Manifesto" (Sept. 15, 2002): 12.

Jennifer Ruark, "Modernism/modernity gets a new editor," "Chronicle of Higher Education" (March 22, 2002).

"Sotto il velo del melting plot," interviewed by Ida Dominijanni, "Il Manifesto" (Sept. 29, 2001): 8.

"Un genio al MART: L'archivio Ciocca: un ingegnere che scoprì il futuro," interviewed by Sandra Mattei, "Alto Adige" [Trento] (Feb. 2, 2001): 15.

"Sem massa e sem mitologias. Entrevista com Jeffrey Schnapp," interviewed by Cecilia Costa, Prosa e Verso supplement, "O Globo" [Rio de Janeiro] (Sept. 16, 2000): 6.

"Fiasco littorio sul Lungarno," interviewed by Pierpaolo Antonello, "L'Unità" (July 1, 1996): 7.

"Fascism and Culture," interviewed by Matthew Leonard, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, broadcast July 1993.

"Art and Propaganda," interviewed by Wayne Pond, "Soundings", National Public Radio, broadcast Oct. 1992.

"The Dartmouth Dante Project," interviewed by Susan Stamberg, "All Things Considered", National Public Radio, broadcast March 1985.

External links

Schnapp's Stanford home page is located at

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