- PhpCodeGenie
Infobox Software
name = PHP Code Genie
caption = The PHP Code Genie
author = Nilesh Dosooye
developer = [http://nilesh.dosooye.com/ Nilesh Dosooye]
released =
latest release version = 3.0.2
latest release date =October 22 ,2004
latest preview version =
latest preview date =
operating system =Cross-platform
platform =
language =PHP
genre =Web application framework
license =GNU GPL
website = [http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpcodegenie/ SourceForge.net: phpCodeGenie]phpCodeGenie is a code generator for web applications. Once you design your database tables, phpCodeGenie writes the
scripts and programs for you. It will build data entry forms, insert scripts,database lister scripts, edit record forms, update record scripts, delete confirmation scripts, delete scripts, search forms, search scripts and other frontend/database interactioncode .As a
code generator fordatabase -driven applications it also can be considered as a CASE tool. It generates the coreCRUD code in SQL and the basicfront end forPHP and Java applications. It can communicate with multiple databases such as:MySQL ,PostgreSQL ,ODBC , SQL Lite, Oracle,DB2 ,MS SQL Server , Max DB,Visual Fox Pro , [http://www.frontbase.com| Frontbase] ,Interbase ,Firebird ,Informix , LDAP, Netezza, SAP DB,Sybase , and generate code from them.External links
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpcodegenie/ PHPCodeGenie Sourceforge site]
* [http://nilesh.dosooye.com/software/opensource.php List of opensource software from Nilesh Dosooye]
* [http://www.codegeneration.net/generator.php?id=8 PHPCodeGenie profile] in [http://www.codegeneration.net Code Generation Network]
* [http://directory.fsf.org/phpCodeGenie.html PHPCodeGenie profile] in [http://directory.fsf.org/ FSF/Unesco Free Software Directory]See also
List of web application frameworks
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.