Renato Vercelli

Renato Vercelli

Renato Angelo Vercelli (1907-1988) was a painter born in Torino, Italy.

Son of Giulio Romano, it seems that as a child, Vercelli was particularly preoccupied with independence. He left for Africa when still very young, and came back later with sketches that he illustrated his accounts with and had published in the press. He then moved to Paris. He frequented various academies and made the first trials with impasted colours, which later characterized his style. He also was a caricaturist, film director, decorator, and writer. When he returned to Torino he took over an art gallery.

Works especially in Italy and in the French Jura. He was principally a landscape painter. He painted with a palette knife in dark paste lightened with isolated splashes of violent and vivid colours. His flowery forest interiors are notable. He was also a painter of women and romantic portraits.

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