Youth Action International

Youth Action International

Youth Action International (YAI) is a global nonprofit working to rebuild war-torn African communities. The organization establishes safe and healthy environments for women and children by providing for their core needs and new community infrastructure. YAI is run by a network of young international leaders who are defining a new approach to delivering humanitarian aid. By using local materials and employing local people, YAI maximizes the economic and social impact of programs which include building schools, playgrounds, and micro-lending.

YAI was started and is inspired by acclaimed youth activist Kimmie Weeks, a survivor of the Liberian Civil War. At age nine, after nearly being buried alive following disease, hunger, and suffering, Weeks pledged to spend his life helping children. At age 16, Weeks successfully headed Liberia's Children's Disarmament Campaign, an effort to lobby the disarmament of approximately 20,000 Liberian child soldiers. Two years later, his work led Liberian President Charles Taylor and his government to attempt to have Kimmie assassinated. As a result, Kimmie was forced to flee Liberia and seek asylum in the United States.

While in the US, Kimmie continues to grow his vision and invite other youth to partner in the mission. YAI was formed in 2002 and focuses on post-war countries that face the worst situation of all -they are beyond the need for international emergency services, but not yet advanced enough to have self-sustaining commercial economy. These countries face the daily realities of hunger, and a lack of basic needs such as clean water, safe schools, parks and medical care.

Some of Youth Action International's current projects include rebuilding playgrounds destroyed by the Liberian civil war, being involved in partnerships to establish the first center for war-affected women in Sierra Leone, and providing long-term scholarships to encourage girls to stay in school from primary school age through college.

YAI also has numerous chapters in colleges and universities across the United States, and a chapter at McGill University in Canada.

Impact in 2006

Since 2006, we have extended YAI’s lifesaving and community building services to thousands of people in Burundi, Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Rwanda and Uganda. Some of our major accomplishments have included:
* Providing 400 micro-credit loans to women in the poorest communities in West Africa.
* Awarding over 300 scholarships to war affected children.
* Completing one playground and have started construction on two others
* Providing emergency medical to more than 200 children
* Constructing four safe drinking wells
* Hosting a series of workshops on small business enterprise

This year promises to be even more rewarding as we are on target to reach out to communities in Angola, Guinea, Mozambique, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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