Goodenough — Carte topographique de l île Goodenough Géographie Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Goodenough — (spr. gúdd ĭnöff), Insel, s. D Entrecasteaux Inseln … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Goodenough — [ gʊdɪnʌf], eine der D Entrecasteauxinseln, Papua Neuguinea, nahe der Südostspitze der Hauptinsel, 880 km2; bewaldet. Die rd. 10 000 Bewohner leben von Gartenbau und Fischfang … Universal-Lexikon
Goodenough — 9.3666666666667150.266666666677Koordinaten: 9° 22′ S, 150° 16′ O … Deutsch Wikipedia
Goodenough — This is an English medieval nickname surname. It has two possible origins. The first is from the perpetual use by the nameholder of the phrase good enough , to the point where his peer group called him by it, and the second explanation and most… … Surnames reference
Goodenough College — is a postgraduate residence and educational trust on Mecklenburgh Square in Bloomsbury, central London, England. Other names under which the College has been known are London House, William Goodenough House, and the London Goodenough Trust.… … Wikipedia
Goodenough-Insel — Topografische Karte der Goodenough Insel Gewässer Salomonensee (Pazifischer Ozean) … Deutsch Wikipedia
GOODENOUGH, ERWIN RAMSDELL° — (1893–1965), U.S. scholar who specialized in the study of Judaism in the Hellenistic period. Goodenough was born in Brooklyn, New York, and was raised in a family with Methodist fundamentalist beliefs. Following studies at the Garrett Biblical… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Goodenough-Buschkänguru — Systematik Unterklasse: Beutelsäuger (Metatheria) Überordnung: Australidelphia Ordnung: Diprotodontia Familie … Deutsch Wikipedia
Goodenough draw-a-man test — Goodenough draw a person test (for intelligence) the general intelligence of the child is assessed by asking him or her to draw a picture of a person as well as possible … Medical dictionary