

The Suksis (or SUKSIS which stands for Kor Sukarelawan Polis Siswa Siswi) is a student police volunteer organization in Malaysia. The police force is confident that the Police Undergraduate Voluntary Corp (Sukarelawan Kor Siswa Siswi – SUKSIS) set up in universities will spur more people to join the force.


The idea of establishing Kor-Sukarelawan Siswa Polis's (SUKSIS) was inspired by YAB Dato' Seri Abdullah Hj. Ahmad Badawi, Malaysia's Prime Minister in those when stated Deputy Prime Minister holding the post cum Domestic Minister. Desire to form post a body with uniform "Police style" in all Public Higher Learning Institutions (IPTA) supported by the desire to produce excellent graduate comply own knowledge of law, skill, viable compete, berdisplin, skill and furnished with noble values and high self-esteem.

In 2002, the Malaysian prime minister suggested to the former Inspector General of Police, Tan Sri Bakri Haji Omar to established a curriculum in the university in order to bridge the gap between student and the police. The main objective is to reveal the real police task to the student selected to the new corps. Universiti Utara Malaysia "(Northern University of Malaysia)" volunteered and became the first University in Malaysia to have such force. The creation of the corp in universities also allowed those who had not participated in school to join and get a better understanding of the police and their service to the public. The realisation of the importance of the policemen’s job would move graduates to opt for a career in the police. The establishment the Police Undergraduate Voluntary Corp (SUKSIS's Corps) will act as points and ears Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) in channel information about crime scene in local area.

The Royal Malaysian Police and Education Department had found that cadets showed a high level of discipline and stayed away from social ills such as drug abuse and truancy. [ [ SUKSIS can draw more to join police] ]

Naming the force

There were many suggestions for the name of the new force to be established in the universities, and the name Kor Sukarelawan Polis Siswa (SUKSIS) was chosen, meaning "Student's Police Volunteer Reserve Corps" Or "Police Undergraduate Volunteers Force"


As membership Kor-SUKSIS fill by undergraduate undergraduate first year IPTA, training period that prescribed is three years while follow training arrangement that prescribed 360 time viz 129 time for weekly training and 240 time when semester break. Training time division also is as many as 200 time for outside training activity and 160 time for academic classes. However, stated fraction can still adjusted following need-of.

To meet arrangement and training fraction which has been prescribed, kor-SUKSIS UMS had set compulsory activities following:-

* Feet March
* Arms March
* Sword March
* Stick March
* Circuit Test
* Arms Class
* Training Shoot
* Light Strike Force (LSF)
* Life Effort
* Robust St
* First Aid
* Swimming
* Person Defensive Art
* Practical Delegation In Nearby IPD
* Cultured / Build Person
* Mess Night
* Law Class
* After Dinner Talk'
* Community service
* Kor-SUKSISAnnual Camp
* Kor-SUKSIS Family Day Kor-SUKSIS
* Kor-SUKSIS Sport Festival
* Council To Swear / Drug Pledge
* Examination (March, Shooting, Physical Spirit Testing)
* Convocation Ceremony
* End Parade Ceremony Training



The standard Suksis uniform is similar to that of the Royal Malaysian Police.


SUKSIS wear standard issue black berets with the emblem of police on the top corner above the left eye.


In November 2003, SUKSIS were issued standard issue black walking shoes. Starting July 2004, the Royal Malaysian police started to issue 'black zip', a shoe that is also a standard issue for the regular police force.


There are more than 13 universities in Malaysia that have SUKSIS, they are:

* UiTM (University of Technology Mara, Shah Alam campus)
* UiTM (University of Technology Mara, Pulau Pinang campus)
* UUM (Northern University of Malaysia)
* UPM (Putra University of Malaysia)
* UKM (National University of Malaysia)
* USM (University of Science, Malaysia)
* UMS (University of Sabah, Malaysia)
* UNIMAS (University of Sarawak, Malaysia)
* [] [UPSI] (University of Educators, Malaysia)
* UIA (International Islamic University, Malaysia)
* UTM(University of Technology, Malaysia)
* [UTHM] (Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn,Malaysia)
* UMT (Malaysia Terengganu University)
* USIM (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia)The voluntary police corps was officially established on 24th June 2006.The corps was honored by the ex-inspector general of police, Tan Sri Bakri bin Hj Omar.The parade was held at the parade field in UiTM Shah Alam campus and it was led by acting assistant superintendent of police (ASP) Ezuwar bin Yahaya, who was assisted by 5 acting Inspectors, 1 Sargeant major and two Sargeants. There was one honor parade and four platoons.

First SUKSIS Police Stations

SUKSIS's corps currently has paid inside the team full a pride this when make his first time this corps set up a first police station at the campus of University of Sabah (UMS. UMS's Vice-chancellor, Prof. Dr. Mohd. Noh Dalimin says, worth about police station RM5 million that support fully through operating expenditure allocation UMS and expected ready 4 January on next year. Idea to created deep police station in campus is parallel with the aspirations of Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Musa Hassan to establish Kor Suksis at the institutions of higher learning in Malaysia.

Willing Mohd. Noh, that police station furnished with facility meet specification a police station like enquiry office, operations room, office space, lock-up, store material specific, transport garage and armory store.

The police station construction able to produce deep police environment campus apart from as a training centre police in among member SUKSIS and can respond the realized simulation policeman assignment practicality among UMS undergraduate. As well as stated police station construction coincide with challenges available today apart from bridging more cooperation among deep society and police handle crime.

Apart from that said him, the police station not only get help train undergraduate deep UMS police work even become research site and channel idea undergraduate, lecturer and in the intellectual UMS for increase another police excellence. [ [ University Malaysia Sabah is first university build campus police station] ]

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