pentosuria — f. urol. Presencia de pentosas en la orina. Medical Dictionary. 2011. pentosuria Trastorno poco frecuente que se caracteriza por … Diccionario médico
pentosuria — ▪ pathology inborn error of carbohydrate metabolism, characterized by the excessive urinary excretion of the sugar xylitol. It is caused by a defect in the enzyme xylitol dehydrogenase, by which xylitol is normally metabolized. No… … Universalium
pentosuria — noun the presence of pentose sugars in the urine; especially the presence of abnormally high levels of xylulose in the urine … Wiktionary
pentosuria — The excretion of one or more pentoses in elevated amounts in the urine. alimentary p. the urinary excretion of l arabinose and l xylose, as the result of the excessive ingestion of fruits containing these pentoses. essential p. [MIM*260800] a… … Medical dictionary
pentosuria — pen·tos·uria … English syllables
pentosuria — n. an inborn defect of sugar metabolism causing abnormal excretion of pentose in the urine. There are no serious ill effects … The new mediacal dictionary
pentosuria — ˌpentəˈs(h)u̇rēə, təsˈyu̇ noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from International Scientific Vocabulary pentose + New Latin uria : the excretion of pentoses in the urine … Useful english dictionary
Пентозурия (Pentosuria) — врожденный дефект метаболизма сахара в организме, характеризующийся аномальным выведением с мочой пентозы. Пентозурия обычно не причиняет серьезного вреда здоровью человека. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
alimentary pentosuria — urinary excretion of pentoses, probably xylose and arabinose, as a normal consequence of excessive ingestion of fruits such as cherries, plums, and grapes, or their juices … Medical dictionary
essential pentosuria — a benign autosomal recessive deficiency of L xylulose reductase activity, due to mutation in the DCXR gene (locus: 17q25.3), which encodes it, resulting in urinary excretion of high levels of the pentose L xylulose … Medical dictionary