Fundación Chile

Fundación Chile

Fundación Chile is a non profit corporation created in 1976 through a joint agreement between the Chilean government and ITT Corporation. It is essentially a technological think tank that has worked successfully to foster Chilean business and industry growth through technological innovation and implementation.

Mission Statement

The mission statement of Fundacion Chile is "To increase the competitivity of human resources and productive sectors and services, by promoting and developing high impact innovations, technology transfer and management for the country."


* Fundacion Chile's most notable success has been in the salmon farming industry. FCH is widely credited with turning Chile (a country with no native salmon population) into the world's second largest Salmon producer. They have done this through a number of different business ventures.

* FCH has worked with the public Chilean school system to create the internet portal [ educarchile] , which has become a pillar of the national school system and the 7th most visited site in Chile.

External links

* [ The 30 Years of Fundacion Chile]

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