Pippo Baudo

Pippo Baudo

Giuseppe Baudo, also known as Pippo Baudo, is a popular Italian television host. He was born on June 7, 1936 in
Militello in Val di Catania. He is often referred to as "Superpippo". Baudo has also been the artistic director and president of the Teatro Stabile di Catania.


In 2004, Baudo and his wife, Italian soprano Katia Ricciarelli, divorced. He has one daughter, Tiziana, born in 1970, from a previous marriage, as well as a son born 1962 currently living in Australia.


While studying law at the University of Catania, Baudo became involved in entertainment as an actor and a host. He also learned to play the piano. He graduated with a degree in law, despite his interest in entertainment. At the end of the 1950s, he became a singer and pianist for the Orchestra Moonlight. In 1959, Pippo made his debut appearance on Italian television during "Caravella dei Successi", broadcasted from Palermo.

He gained success hosting several RAI programs, as well as serving as the artistic director. Pippo signed to Mediaset, but he has never been able to reclaim his past success. He experienced a resurgence in his career when he hosted "Novecento" on RAI, which led to hosting the popular Sunday-afternoon show "Domenica In" and the "Festival della canzone italiana".

In the 1970s, he helped establish and work for the Catania-based private channel "Antenna Sicilia". In 1987, he hosted "Festival" on Mediaset after a controversy with RAI president, Enrico Manca. However, years later he worked again for RAI; his show "Serata d'Onore" having been broadcast on Rai Due.

In 1997, he signed again to Mediaset, but his shows "La canzone del secolo" and "Tiramisù" had very little success. In 1999, Baudo was asked by Rai Tre to host a new prime time program, "Giorno dopo Giorno", it is now called "Novecento".

In 2002, he hosted the Festival di Sanremo, after the 2001 edition had been a fiasco. He chose co-hosts Manuela Arcuri and Vittoria Belvedere. He left RAI in 2004, but he came back in 2005, with the programme "Sabato Italiano", on Rai Uno. On October 2, 2005, he hosted for the eighth time the Sunday-afternoon program "Domenica In".

In 2007, he hosted, for his twelfth time, the Festival di Sanremo, with Michelle Hunziker; he now exceeds Mike Bongiorno, who hosted eleven times.

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