- Preston Holder
Preston Holder (10 September 1907,
Wasbash, Indiana - 3 June 1980,Lincoln, Nebraska ) was an Americanarchaeologist andphotographer who is remembered for his work in both of these fields.In 1930 he entered the
University of California, Berkeley , to studyanthropology . While there he met photographerWillard Van Dyke after writing an assignment about his photographs. [cite book|author=Therese Thau Heyman|title=Seeing Straight: The f.64 Refolution in Photography|publisher=Oakland Museum |date=1992|pages=152] Van Dyke introduced him toAnsel Adams ,Edward Weston ,Imogen Cunningham and other photographers around the San Francisco area, and he soon was photographing in a style similar to theirs. In 1932 Holder was present at a gathering at Van Dyke's house in Berkeley in which this group discussed their intention to unite in promotion of their artistic vision, They were searching for a name for their small group, and Holder suggested "US 256", which was then the commonly-used "Uniform System" designation for a very small aperture stop on a camera lens. Adams thought the name would be confusing to the public, and he suggested "f/64", which was a corresponding aperture setting for the "focal system" that was gaining popularity. [ [http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/98may/photo3.htm Brouwer, Kenneth. Pack of Wolfes] ] From this discussion they formed the now famousGroup f/64 . Later that year Holder participated in their first Group f/64 show at theM.H. de Young Memorial Museum , showing four prints.While photographing part-time, Holder continued his education at Berkeley and received his B.A. in 1935. There is almost nothing written about his photographic career after he graduated. By 1940 he seemed to have drifted away from his photography interests and dedicated himself to becoming a full-time archeologist.
In 1951, he earned his Ph.D. from
Columbia University . With the help of fellow archaeologistAntonio J. Waring, Jr. , Preston Holder began excavations at the Irene Mound in September 1937. [http://www.sip.armstrong.edu/Irene/essay.html Elusive Women of Irene: The WPA Excavation of Irene Mound] " by Gail Whalen. Retrieved26 April 2007 ] [ [http://siris-archives.si.edu/ipac20/ipac.jsp?profile=all&source=~!siarchives&view=subscriptionsummary&uri=full=3100001~!1588~!6&ri=3&aspect=Browse&menu=search&ipp=20&spp=20&staffonly=&term=Holder,+Preston&index=&uindex=&aspect=Browse&menu=search&ri=3 Records of archeological excavations inGlynn County, Georgia forWorks Project Administration 1936-37]Smithsonian Institution . Retrieved26 April 2007 ] Located on the outskirts ofSavannah, Georgia , the mound took nearly two years to excavate. Another excavation Holder conducted at the Saint Simon’s airport on Saint Simons Island, Georgia revealed a large Late Archaic settlement. [ [http://www.lamarinstitute.org/research.html Golden Isles Initiative] " by Daniel T. Elliot, LAMAR InstituteUniversity of Georgia Retrieved26 April 2007 ] The excavation was mentioned briefly inAntonio Waring ’s The Waring Papers. In 1938, Holder also wrote "Excavations on Saint Simons Island and Vicinity". [ [http://www.nps.gov/ocmu/forteachers/suggestedreading.htm Holder, Preston. "Excavations on Saint Simons Island and Vicinity, Glynn County, Georgia" (Winter 1936-1937). Proceedings of the Society for Georgia Archaeology l(1):8-9. 1938] " cited in National Park Service bibliography. Retrieved26 April 2007 ]His work in this area was additionally published as a journal article [Holder, P. and Wike, J., "The Frontier Culture Complex, a Preliminary Report on a Prehistoric Hunters' Camp in Southwestern Nebraska", "American Antiquity" vol. 14, pp. 260-266 (1949), available in [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0002-7316%28194904%2914%3A4%3C260%3ATFCCAP%3E2.0.CO%3B2-E
JSTOR (accessed April 26, 2007)] (by subscription) ] , and discussed in later publications [Blasing, R. "The History of Archeological Research at Medicine Creek Reservoir" "Cultural Resource Management" v.23 no.1 (2000) from the [http://crm.cr.nps.gov/archive/23-01/23-01-3.pdfNational Park Service ] (accessed April 26, 2007)] ,He died of cancer on June 3, 1980 at the age of 72 in
Lincoln, Nebraska .References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.