Ephraim Hart

Ephraim Hart

Ephraim Hart (1747-July 16, 1825) was a successful merchant and helped to organize the Board of Stock-Brokers, now known as the New York Stock Exchange.


Hart was born in Fürth, Bavaria, in 1747. The original name of his family was "Hirz." It is not known in what year he came to America, but in 1782 he was residing as a merchant in Philadelphia, and in that year he joined the Mickvé Israel congregation. He married in 1783 Frances Noah, a sister of Manuel Noah. Later he removed to New York and engaged in the commission and brokerage business. On April 2, 1787, he was registered as an elector of the Shearith Israel congregation. By 1792 he had become one of the most successful merchants in the city, and at this time he helped to organize the Board of Stock-Brokers, now known as the New York Stock Exchange. His name occurs in 1799 in a "list of owners of houses and lots valued at £2,000 or more." He was one of the founders, in 1802, of the ebra Hesed Veemet, a charitable organization connected with the Shearith Israel congregation. He was a state senator in 1810, and it is said that at the time of his death he was a partner of John Jacob Astor. Hart died in New York on July 16, 1825.

Personal life

He was the father of Joel Hart.



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