Giovanni Battista Passeri

Giovanni Battista Passeri

Giovanni Battista Passeri (c. 1610 – 22 April 1679) was an Italian painter of the Baroque period. He was a pupil of the painter Domenichino, while they worked together at Frascati. He painted genre and still life paintings.

Bor in Rome, Passeri is also known for his art biography: "Lives of the painters scultptors, and architects who practiced in Rome, and died from 1641 to 1673 inclusive", published in 1773. He became director or president of Accademia di San Luca, which once contains his portrait of Domenichino, now in gallery of Florence. His nephew Giuseppe Passeri was a pupil of Carlo Maratta, died in 1714.


*cite book | first= Maria|last= Farquhar| year=1855| title= Biographical catalogue of the principal Italian painters| editor = Ralph Nicholson Wornum | pages= page 121 | publisher= Woodfall & Kinder, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London; Digitized by Googlebooks from Oxford University copy on Jun 27, 2006| id= | url= | authorlink=

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