

Leduc may refer to:


*Albert "Battleship" Leduc, ice hockey player.
*Claude-Yvon Leduc, actor.
*Jos Leduc-professional wrestler.
*Ozias Leduc, Canadian painter.
*René Leduc (1898-1968), the designer of the world's first ramjet-powered aircraft
*René Leduc (1907-1990), designer of light aircraft for amateur construction and prominent in the French aeroclub movement
*Richard Leduc, actor.
*Violette Leduc, French author.


*Leduc, Alberta, a city in Alberta, Canada.
*Leduc County, Alberta
*Leduc Lake, a lake in Alaska (coord|55.9301|N|130.8822|W|region:US_type:waterbody) (Ketchikan area).


*Editions Alphonse Leduc, a French music publisher.
*Leduc experimental aircraft
*Leduc No. 1, the oil well strike that started Alberta's main oil boom, near Devon, Alberta
*William G. LeDuc House, Historic house in Hastings, Minnesota

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