

name = Sphaerotheriidae

image_caption =
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Arthropoda
subphylum = Myriapoda
classis = Diplopoda
subclassis = Pentazonia
superordo = Oniscomorpha
ordo = Sphaerotheriida
familia = Sphaerotheriidae
familia_authority = Koch, 1847Verify source|date=December 2007
subdivision_ranks = Subfamilies
subdivision =

Sphaerotheriidae is a family of pill millipedes of the class Diplopoda. Millipedes of this family have a disjunct distribution, being found in southeastern Australia, India, South Africa, Madagascar, and New Zealand.

elected genera

* "Arthrosphaera" Pocock, 1895
* "Cyliosoma" Verhoeff 1928
* "Cynotelopus" Jeekel, 1986
* "Procyliosoma" Holloway 1956
* "Sphaeromimus" DeSaussure & Zehntner, 1902
* "Sphaerotherium" Brandt, 1833
* "Zoosphaerium"


* [http://www.systass.org/ysf/8th_YSF.pdf The Systematics Association]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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