

:"For the moth genus, see "Aedemon (moth).

Aedemon was a Roman Freedman from North Africa who lived in the 1st century. Aedemon was a loyal former household slave to Roman client King Ptolemy of Mauretania. Little is known on the origins of Aedemon. Ptolemy of Mauretania was the only grandson to African King Juba I of Numidia, Ptolemaic Greek Queen Cleopatra VII of Egypt and Roman Triumvir Mark Antony.

Ptolemy was murdered while on a visit in Rome by his unstable second cousin, Roman Emperor Caligula in late 40. From Aedemon’s outrage and to the loyalty and memory of his former master, Aedemon wanted to avenge Ptolemy and started the revolt in the Kingdom of Mauretania against Rome. Many people from the kingdom had joined in the revolt. Along with Sabalus, they were among the chief rebels. Caligula was murdered on January 24 41 and his paternal uncle Claudius became the new Emperor.

This was a four-year bloody and violent revolt. The revolt erupted instantly. Aedemon and the rebels were such hard skilled fighters that the skilled Roman Generals Gaius Suetonius Paulinus and Gnaeus Hosidius Geta were appointed by Roman Emperor Claudius in 42 to end the revolt. Paulinus was the first Roman to cross the Atlas Mountains during the campaign. The Roman campaign against the Berbers was much intimidation than reprisals. The Berbers were able to survive in the harsh Sahara Conditions, while the Romans struggled. Tingi or Tangier was destroyed during the battles against the Romans. The revolt ended in 44, when the Roman army won a fierce battle against the Berbers. Sabalus and his troops, surrendered to Geta. The fate of Aedemon is unknown, after the revolt ended. Claudius assessed the kingdom and its future. He decided to divide the kingdom into two Roman provinces which were Mauretania Tingitana and Mauretania Caesariensis. The Romans later rebuilt Tingi.



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