KO One

KO One

infobox television
show_name = KO One (終極一班)

caption =
genre = School, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Romance, Wuxia
camera =
picture_format =
audio_format =
runtime = 60 min
creator = Liao Fei Hong
starring = Jiro Wang Calvin Chen Aaron Yan Stephanie Lee Melody Sunnie Huang Danson Tang
voices =
narrated =
theme_music_composer =
opentheme = Zhong Ji Yi Ban (終極一班) by Tank
endtheme = Gei Wo Ni De Ai (給我你的愛) by Tank
country = ROC-TW
location =
language =
network = GTV
first_aired = 2005-11-26
last_aired = 2006-04-15
num_episodes = 21
list_episodes =
precreded_by =
followed_by = The X-Family
related =
website = [http://www.gtv.com.tw/Program/S051420051126P/ KO One Official Site]
imdb_id =
tv_com_id =
director =
executive_producer = Chen Zi Han Wang Xin Gui Liu Xing

KO One (Traditional Chinese: 終極一班, Simplified Chinese: 终极一班, pinyin: zhōng jí yī bān) is a Taiwanese drama which aired in 2005. Before this drama was aired in the Taiwanese channel GTV, not many people were interested in it due to the storyline and the unfamiliar cast. Despite the new encounters, the ratings of "KO One" had exceeded expectations. Although the scorings for the drama were not very high, this hit drama still brought fame to the four leads (Jiro Wang, Wu Chun, Calvin Chen, Aaron Yan), who are part of the then newly-formed Taiwanese boy band called Fahrenheit. This drama also brought fame to the new Taiwanese artist, Tank who wrote and sang the opening and ending theme songs. The original soundtrack was the best selling soundtrack of 2006, selling more than 60,000 copies in Taiwan within the first month, defeating the soundtrack sales of the more popular dramas It Started With a Kiss and The Prince Who Turns Into A Frog. zh icon [http://ent.163.com/06/0331/17/2DIEMSCE00031NIL.html] . March 31, 2006. Retrieved April 25, 2007.]

The sequel, The X-Family, started airing in Taiwan on August 8, 2007.


Zhong Ji Yi Ban is a class in Ba Le High School designed especially for the delinquents and rejects that other high schools would not accept. Even so, everyone in the class is loyal to the leader, Wang Da Dong (Jiro Wang), who is KO.3, and would die for friends. Another KO. 3, Wang Ya Se, also called Ya Se Wang (Calvin Chen), and KO.4, Ding Xiao Yu (Aaron Yan) soon join the class and out of some fortuitous events, their lives become tied together and they become best buddies. Another student, Lei Ke Si (Danson Tang), who had been gone for a whole semester, rejoins the class. Although Lei Ke Se seems like a weak kid with only good intentions, Ya Se suspects Lei Ke Si is KO.2 because legends say that KO.1 and KO.2 are capable of concealing their true identities.

At the same time, incidents start to occur and the culprit always leads to Ya Se. But Ya Se is being framed by Lei Ke Si, who is actually the real culprit. Lei Ke Si makes Ya Se look bad so that Da Dong won't believe him when he says that Lei Ke Si is KO.2 . Soon, An Qi, who is Da Dong and Lei Ke Si's childhood crush, appears. This forces Lei Ke Si to reveal his true identity and fight with Da Dong (for An Qi). After Lei Ke Se leaves KO One, Xiao Yu starts to crush on An Qi. Both Da Dong and Xiao Yu fight over An Qi, but Da Dong doesn't realize his crush on the teacher of KO One, Tian Xin (Melody) until An Qi tells him. Soon, An Qi returns to America and strange things started to happen. Two more new girl-students join the class, and one of them has a crush on Ya Se. Although he is cold and refuses to accept her due to her behavior as a gorilla, he eventually changes and falls in love with her. At the end, Lei Ke Si returns to tell the gang how to defeat their enemy Hei Long. In the final battle, Da Dong, Ya Se, Xiao Yu and Lei Ke Si combine their powers and finally defeat the evil roaming around them, but the fight triggers a big explosion that causes both forces to lose their powers.


Episode Guide

KO Rank


;Zhong Ji Yi Ban (終極一班):Also known as "The Ultimate Class". It is a class gathered with misfits who were either thrown out or not accepted in any other high school. The series mostly consists the events that occur around the members of this class. The classmates are known for being very troublesome, but also very loyal to their leader; Wang Da Dong (汪大東).:Members: Wang Da Dong (汪大東) - leader, Wang Ya Se (王亞瑟), Ding Xiao Yu (丁小雨), Jin Bao San (金寶三) - monitor, Ji An (技安), Sha Yu (鯊魚) and Xiao La (小辣), Cai Wu Xiong (蔡五熊), Cai Yun Han (蔡雲寒), Xia Ba (下巴), Liang Zhi (兩指).
:Former members: Lei Ke Si (雷克斯), Huang An Qi (黃安琪), Sha Jie (煞姊), Tao Zi (桃子), Bai Linda (白琳達), Fu Tou (斧頭), and Zhu Pi (豬皮).

;Tu Long Bang (土龍幫):A gang controlled by Ya Se's father. He started this gang after he left Wu Li Cai Jue Suo (武力裁决所). He built it in hopes to be able to protect himself and his son from Hei Long.:Members: Wang Ya Se (王亞瑟) and Ya Se's father - leader.

;Wu Li Cai Jue Suo (武力裁决所):An organization created by 7 people 3 decades ago. As time passed, several events happened, most of the members died or left the gang. With everyone gone, Hei Long becomes the leader and sets out to find and capture powerful people and either make them his minions or destroy them. In the end, this organization is destroyed with the leader's power gone and the minions go free.:Members: Hei Long (黑龍), Tian Hong Guang/Wu Shi Zun (田弘光 / 武屍尊), Wu Shi Wu (武屍無), Lei Ke Si/Wu Shi Duo (雷克斯 / 武屍奪), Wu Shi Du (武屍毒), Wu Shi An (武屍暗) and Wu Shi Hui (武屍毀).
:Former members: Ya Se's father and Duan Chang Ren (斷腸人).

;Dong Cheng Wei (東城衛):An underground music band that can use music atmosphere to improve a person's power. Da Dong often goes to them to sing and improve his power along with Ya Se and Xiao Yu.:Members: Xiu (脩), Deng (鐙), Ming (冥), Qiu (萩) and Wang Da Dong (汪大東) - part-time member.


Main cast

* Jiro Wang (汪東城) as Wang Da Dong (汪大東)
* Calvin Chen (陳奕儒) as Wang Ya Se (王亞瑟)
* Aaron Yan (炎亞綸) as Ding Xiao Yu (丁小雨)
* Stephanie Lee (李妹研) as Huang An Qi (黃安琪)
* Melody (殷悦) as Tian Xin (田欣)
* Sunnie Huang (黄小柔) as Sha Jie (煞姊)
* Danson Tang (唐禹哲) as Lei Ke Si (雷克斯)

Extended cast

* Zhang Hao Ming (張皓明) as Jin Bao San (金寶三)
* Na Wei Xun (那維勲) as Duan Chang Ren (斷腸人) / Hei Long (黑龍)
* Chen De Xiu / Xiu (陳德修 / 脩) as Dong Cheng Wei-Xiu (東城衛 - 脩)
* Li Ming Han (李明翰) as Dong Cheng Wei - Ming (東城衛 - 冥)
* Deng Hua Dun (鄧樺敦) as Dong Cheng Wei - Deng (東城衛 - 鐙)
* Qiu Yi Hong (邱議弘) as Dong Cheng Wei-Qiu (東城衛-萩)
* Xie He Xian / a Chord (謝和弦) as Sha Yu (鯊魚)
* Cai Han Cen / Han (蔡函岑 / 寒) as Cai Yun Han (蔡雲寒)
* Cai Yi Zhen / Wu Xiong (蔡宜臻 / 五熊) as Cai Wu Xiong (蔡五熊)
* Jian Han Zong (簡漢宗) as Su Bu Qi (蘇布啓) [Drillmaster]
* Ye Hui Zhi (葉蕙芝) as Gu Wen Jing (古文靜) [Chinese Teacher]
* Xia Jing Ting (夏靖庭) as Jia Yong (賈勇) [School Dean]
* Ba Ge (巴戈) as Qian Lai Ye (錢萊冶) [Principal]
* Wang Qian Cheng (王巧琤) as Liang Zhi (兩指)
* Li Yi Hua (李衣驊) as Xia Ba (下巴)
* Chen Zhen Wei (陳振偉) as Fu Tou (斧頭)
* Xu Zhi Yan (許智彥) as Zhu Pi (豬皮)
* Ke Tian Bei (柯天貝) as Bai Linda (白琳達)
* Wang Huai Xuan (王懷萱) as Tao Zi (桃子)
* Lu Jian Yu (陸建宇) as Xiao La (小辣)
* Andy Gong (龔繼安) as Ji An (技安)
* Huang Wan Bo (黃萬伯) as Dao Ba Jie Sen (刀疤傑森)
* Ah Jiao (阿嬌) as Ceng Mei Hao (曾美好)
* Chen Bo Zheng (陳博正) as Wang Tian Yang (汪天養)
* Wu Chun (吳尊) as Tian Hong Guang (田弘光) / Wu Shi - Chun (武屍-尊)
* Li Jie Sheng (李傑聖) as Teacher Yu Sheng De (于聖德老师)
* Deng An Ning (鄧安寧) as Wan Bo (萬伯)
* Figaro Ceng (曾少宗) as Ceng Shao Zong (曾少宗)
* Alien Huang / Xiao Gui (黃鴻升 / 小鬼) as Cai Yi Ling (蔡一0)
* Cai Ming Xun (蔡明勳) as Da Li Jun (大力俊)
* Liu Er Jin (劉爾金) as Doctor
* Yang Jie Mei (楊潔玫) as Bai Mu Dan (白牡丹)
* Qian De Men (乾德門) as Weapon Store Manager
* Li Bing Yi (李秉億) as Doctor
* Zhang Bo Han (章柏翰) as Nurse
* Zhang Yi Jie (張義傑) as Wu Shi - An (武屍-暗)
* Fang Bo Hua (方柏華) as Wu Shi - Hue (武屍-毀)
* Chen Xiao Fu (陳孝輔) as Wu Shi - Du (武屍-毒)

Quotes Said By Ya Se

* Oh Woman, Beauty and Knowledge, you can only have one. Having both or having none, is still a tragedy. (女人啊女人,容貌和知識擇其一吧,兩者俱得,兩者俱失,都是悲劇收場)

* What are friends? Friends are those idiots that still stands by you when you make a terrible mistake! (什麼是朋友?朋友永遠是在你犯下不可原諒錯誤的時候,仍舊站在你那邊的笨蛋!)

* Shakespeare - Julius Caesar: "Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings. (Shakespeare 說:人們可支配自己的命運,若我們受制於人,那錯不在命運,而在我們自己。)

* It take a lot more courage to forgive someone than to take on a revenge. (原諒一個人比報仇更需要勇氣)

* Relationship doesn't mean the more sacrifices you make, the better ending you will get. (愛情呢並不是說你越努力它就一定會有好結果)

* Tagore: Asks the Possible of the Impossible, "Where is your dwelling-place?" "In the dreams of the Impotent," comes the answer. (泰戈爾說:“可能”問“不可能”:你住在哪裡 ,“不可能”回答說:在那無能為力的夢裡)

* A perfect romance weakens our intelligence, an imperfect romance hurts our hearts. (完美的愛情讓人意志薄弱,不完美的愛情傷害人心)

* If there is doubt, then there is a truth. Because the truth is the shadow of doubt. (有懷疑就有真理,因為真理是懷疑的影子)

* Shakespeare : "To be or not to be, that is a question."

* Shakespeare : "When a proud heart is hurt, friendship is the best medicine." (Shakespeare 说:當榮譽心受伤的时候,友谊是治愈它的良藥)

Production Credits

*Producer: Chen Zi Han (陳芷涵) / Wang Xin Gue (王信貴) / Liu Xing (劉行)
*Director: Liao Fei Hong (廫猆鴻)
*Screenwriter: Qi Yang Lin (齊鍚麟) / Lan Jin Xiang (藍今翔)

External links

* [http://www.gtv.com.tw/Program/S051420051126P/ GTV's official site]
* [http://frhj.tv/ko_one/ KO One - Japanese website]

Helpful Links

* [ Tom Entertainment - Ep 1-14 Synposis]
* [http://www.tvmao.com/episode/ZhongJiYiBan-20256/3/ TVMao - Ep 1-10 Synposis]
* [http://www.jobdao.com/protest/vtest001_1916.htm KO One Quiz]


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