- Bad Dog (TV series)
"Bad Dog" is a short-lived animated cartoon that aired on ABC and Teletoon during 1998. The cartoon focuses on the Potanski family and their dog Berkeley. The show's gimmick was that whenever Berkeley was told that he was a bad dog, he would freeze and pretend to be dead until someone told him he was a good dog. This would happen every episode.
"Bad Dog" received extremely poor ratings. In spite of this, Fox Family reran "Bad Dog" briefly in 1999.
It is unknown whether or not the show was inspired by the popular "After Dark" screensaver Bad Dog. The two dogs have a similar appearance, and the "Bad Dog" of the show is named Berkeley, a possible reference to
Berkeley Systems , the creators of After Dark.Episode list
Season 1 (1998-1999)
# Disobedience School Part 1 / Disobedience School Part 2
# Beast Of Show / Trouble With Toto
# Take Me Out Of The Ballgame / Potanskis Go Hollywood
# Space Dog / Robo-Dog
# Berkeley Takes The Cake / Neighbourhood Botch
# The Mild Bunch / Berkeley Smells A Rat
# Buckaroo Berkeley / Real Incredible Genius Dog
# Big Inflatble Dog / Berkeley Speaks Out
# Bad Dad / They Came, They Saw, They Meowed
# Sick Puppy / Bad Dog To The Bone
# Flying Potanskis / Burden Of Woof
# A Dog For All Sneezens / If Bad Dog Had A Hammer
# Love Dog / Bad Dog Ate My HomeworkSeason 2 (1999-2000)
# Dogs Are People Too / Fire Dog
# It’s A Zoo In Here / A Cat Of A Different Colour
# Til Dog Do Us Part / Psycho Dog
# Celebrity Spokesdog / Jurassic Bark
# Bad Dog Overboard / Dr. Bad Dog’s 2 ½ Day Diet
# Super Bad Dog / If I Were A Bad Dog
# A Man’s Best Fred / Bad Night At The Opera
# Bad Dog Imitates Art / Bad Therapy
# Prison Dog / No Bad Dogs Allowed
# Nightmare On Berkeley’s / Police Dog
# Barky’s Arky / Bad Connection
# The Isle Of Bad Dog / No Cure For A Bad Dog
# 101 Berkeleys / ???Season 3 (2000-2001)
# International Genius Dog / Nurse Barky
# One Bad Apple / Booty For Bad Dog
# Beauty And The Beast Dog / Dog Breath
# Badseat Driver / Bad Dogs And Englishmen
# Ye Old Bad Dog / Safari Dog
# Dog House Arrest / Counting Sheep Dogs
# Magic Dog / Bad Dog’s Incredible Journey
# Beauty Dog / Ding, Dong, Bad Dog Calling
# Wag The Bad Dog / Earth Dog
# A Super Bad Hair Day / Guard Dog
# Good Lovin’ Gone Bad Dog / Dog-Napped
#Bad Dog-Eared / Animal Magnetism
# A Very Berkeley Christmas / Bad Blood Is Thicker Than Water
# Doggy Detective / They Came, They Saw, They PurredExternal links
* [http://www.tv.com/bad-dog/show/8926/summary.html TV.com entry on "Bad Dog"]
*imdb title|id=0178125|title=Bad Dog
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