Hare's Ear

Hare's Ear

Hare's Ear is one of the most traditional artificial flies used in fly fishing. It is a nymph. [citebook|title=Essential Trout Flies|author=Dave Hughes|year= 2000|publisher=Stackpole Books|id=ISBN 0811727483]


The Hare's Ear nymph is a fly fishing lure that is fished below the surface. It is thus a wet fly or nymph. It is an older pattern that imitates a variety of aquatic life, including scuds, sow bugs, mayfly nymphs, and caddis larvae.


Soft hair and stiff bristles from a rabbit or hare are wound around the shank of the hook and fastened with gold-colored wire that suggests ribs. The thorax section is covered with a section of goose feathers to create a wing case. Sometimes this fly has think lead wire wrapped around the shank before it is tied or a bead head is fasted near the eye of the hook. This pattern is commonly tied on size 10 - 16 nymph hooks. Traditional coloring is white brown to yellow body with dark brown limbs and back.


When this fly is immersed, the stiff fibers in the dubbing stand out and imitate the legs of an insect. Fish this lure below the surface with or without a small strike indicator and split-shot to help it sink. It is an effective pattern throughout the year because it covers a broad spectrum of prey that are active in every season.


External links

* [http://www.troutnut.com/hatch/39/Mayfly-Heptageniidae-March-Browns-Cahills-Quill-Gordons Heptageniidae Mayfly Pictures and Behavior] – Details about the mayfly family usually imitated by the Hare's Ear nymph.
* http://www.flyfishersrepublic.com/patterns/gold-ribbed-hares-ear/index-lht.html – Notes, Uses, and Tying Instructions for the Hare's Ear

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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