

name = Tulip Orchid

image_width = 250 px
image_caption = "Anguloa sp." - Hybrid with green flowers
Orchideenwelt Dresden - by Diogo Correia
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Asparagales
familia = Orchidaceae
subfamilia = Higher Epidendroideae
tribus = Maxillarieae
subtribus = Lycastinae
genus = "Anguloa"
genus_authority = Ruíz & Pav.
type_species = "Anguloa uniflora"
type_species_authority = Ruíz & Pav., 1798
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision =
*"Anguloa brevilabris"
*"Anguloa cliftonii"
**"Anguloa cliftonii" var. "alba"
**"Anguloa cliftonii" var. "concolor"
*"Anguloa clowesii" - Tulip Orchid
**"Anguloa clowesii" var. "flava"
*"Anguloa dubia"
*"Anguloa eburnea"
*"Anguloa hohenlohii"
**"Anguloa hohenlohii" var. "hohenlohii"
*"Anguloa tognettiae"
*"Anguloa uniflora"
*"Anguloa virginalis"
**"Anguloa virginalis" var. "turneri"

The genus "Anguloa", commonly known as Tulip Orchid, is a taxon of orchids closely related to "Lycaste". The genus is named after Francisco de Angulo, a Peruvian orchid lover. Its abbreviation in horticultural trade is Ang.


This genus is found on the forest floor at high elevations from Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador to Peru.

They are rather large terrestrial and sometimes epiphytic orchids with fleshy pseudobulbs longer than 20 cm. The long, lanceolate and plicate leaves of a full-grown "Anguloa" can be more than 1 m long. Two to four leaves grow from the base of each pseudobulb. The leaves are deciduous, and are shed at the start of each new growth.

The flowers of these orchids have a waxy appearance and come in two colors : greenish white and yellow to red. A single flower per inflorescence arises from the base of each new pseudobulb. The white Anguloas have six inflorescences per pseudobulb, the other can produce up to twelve inflorescences. The sepals have a bulbous shape, resembling a tulip. The lip is three-lobed. The column has four pollinia.

The flowers have a strong scent of cinnamon.

Natural hybrids

*"Anguloa x rolfei" (Colombia) (unplaced name)
*"Anguloa x ruckeri" ("A. clowesii" × "A. hohenlohii")(Venezuela)
*"Anguloa x speciosa" (Venezuela and probably Colombia)
*"Anguloa x acostae" (Colombia)


*cite journal | quotes=no|author=Dr Henry F. Oakeley|title = Anguloa : The Species, the hybrids and a checklist of Angulocastes| journal =Orchid Digest| year = 1999| volume = 63|issue =4
*cite journal | quotes=no|author=Dr Henry F. Oakeley|title = A Revision of the Genus Anguloa|journal = All Japan Orchid Society Orchids|volume = 38|pages = 17–38|year = 1999; (also in Japanese)
*cite journal | quotes=no|author=Dr Henry F. Oakeley|title = A Revision of the Genus Anguloa|journal = Orquideologia|volume = 21|issue = 2|pages = 159–213|year = 1999 (also in Spanish)

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